Chapter 12

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Everyone is 17 years old. They don't look exactly like they do in HTTYD 2; they look kind of in between their 1 & 2 looks if that makes sense.


Hiccup's P.O.V

I notice that Astrid is asleep on my shoulder. I gently kiss her hair, not wanting to wake her up.

Toothless lands in front of her house and I carry her bridal-style inside. I get to her room and lay her down in her bed. I take her shoes off and kiss her forehead.

"Stay with me" I hear Astrid's voice as I'm about to leave.

I look towards the bed and see Astrid sitting up in bed, her ocean blue eyes half opened.

I smile and get in the bed next to her. I wrap my arms around her.

Astrid's P.O.V

--2 weeks later-- (Stormfly is better by now)

"No way! I was accepted! Oh my gods!" I look down at the letter I was holding in my hand.

It says that I was accepted to the Big Four, which would become the Big Five if I accepted.

The Big Four consists of:

Jack Frost. He's the Guardian of Winter. He defeated Pitch, the guy who gave nightmares to good dreams.

Rapunzel. She formerly had 70 foot long, blonde hair that was magic and could heal and injury. Unfortunately, her hair was cut and was now short and brown. That doesn't stop her. Magic still runs in her veins and is pretty good with a frying pan.

Elsa. She has ice powers. She accidentally shot her sister Anna in the heart, freezing it. She saved her sister and is now known throughout the world.

Merida. The absolute best archer. She turned her mom into a bear, wanting to change her fate. She was brave and strong.

"Mom, I'm gonna go tell the gang!!" I rush out the door.

I mount Stormfly's saddle and take off.

I'm so glad I can ride her again. There's about a foot long of a scar on her wing but, she's okay. I'm pretty sure she's glad she can fly again too.

We land in front of the Great Hall and I get out of the saddle. I walk inside and see a table that everyone is at.

"Guys, I've got some big news!" I sit next to Hiccup.

"What?" they all say in unison.

"I was accepted to be part of the Big Four!!! Big Five, including myself." I put the letter in the middle of the table.

"No way. Lucky!!" Tuff yells.

"You're seriously leaving me with these doorknobs. Oh, and Hiccup." Ruff laughs.

"It says here you'll be gone for three years..." Fishlegs trails off.

"Oh, yeah...about that um I'll still be able to send letters but, I can't exactly visit...." I trail off.

"Alright. But, you have to promise to send letters." Snotlout demands.

"Okay, I promise." I smile. "I leave in a week, by the way."

"Then, we should spend all the rest of the that you're here with you!! Let's go racing!" Tuff yells and they all run outside, leaving Hiccup and me alone.

I take both of his hands in mine and intwine our fingers. He looks at me.

"I don't want to leave Berk or you, Hiccup." I look into his eyes.

"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity...I can't just pass up something like tha-" I am cut off by Hiccup kissing my lips.

"Good. Now your quiet. I want you to go, I do. But, I don't know how I'm going to survive without seeing you everyday." he smiles.

"I promise I'll write to you every week" I smile, widely.

"You better" he smirks. "Now, let me go kick everyone's butt at dragon racing".

"You're on" I run out the door, Hiccup following.

Hiccup's P.O.V

--The day Astrid leaves--

The day came that Astrid had to leave. I almost couldn't go to her send off.

She's packing things in Stormfly's side packs, when I come up behind her.

"I guess it's the day we've all dreaded" I hug her from behind.

"Mmhmm. I guess so" she leans against me.

I can tell she's about to cry.

"Go on. You can cry now." I smirk.

Astrid turns around, hugs me tight, and begins bawling.

"Shhhhh..." I kiss the top of her head.

When she finishes crying, she looks at me.

"I love you, Hiccup" she says.

"I love you, Astrid" I pull her in and kiss her lips, hard.

I won't see her for 3 am I going to survive?

'Awwwws' and wolf whistles are heard.

"I hate to break up the sweet moment but, it's time for Astrid to go..." Gobber says.

"I'll miss you. So much" I kiss her cheek.

"As will I..." she kisses my cheek and mounts Stormfly.

She waves and takes off.

Just like that, gone.

Gone, from my arms.

And to Jack Frost.


Heyyy there, peeps!!

Anyways, yes I had to....sorry....

I took End of Course ASSessments this week and I'm so glad they're over.

Freedom!! *Pedro's voice from Rio*



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