Chapter 4

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Ya know what's funny? I was watching HTTYD while writing this.


Astrid's P.O.V

"Yes. I'm pretty sure I can." I hear Valka answer Hiccup.

Oh thank the gods!!

I run from Hiccup's arms and hug Stormfly again.

"You're going to be okay" I say into her neck.

"I've just gotta go get Cloudjumper so he can carry her to her stables...unless she can walk?" Valka stands up.

"I don't think so. The Nightmare bit her leg pretty hard" I look up from Stormfly.

"Alright. I'll go get Cloudjumper." she walks outside.

I curl up next to Stormfly and she makes a moaning noise.

"I still remember when you were afraid of her" Hiccup sits down next to me.

" too. Then, I never would've thought that she'd be my best friend. I kept on trying to kill her" I laugh a little.

"You hated me back then. Hated the fact that I was better than you" he smirks.

"Oh shush. To be fair, I was doing what we were supposed to be doing. You were doing something out of the ordinary." I sass.

"Well you can blame Toothless for that. I find it funny that Toothless hated you." he chuckles.

"He sure did. When you two kidnapped me he tried to kill me. But, then I apologized and realized how amazing riding a dragon was." I imagine that day.

"Yeah, and then he brought us to the nest. I have to admit it was scary, at first." he says.

"I wanted to tell everybody about it. I thought it was crazy that you didn't want to tell them because you wanted to protect Toothless." I scoot closer to him and he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Don't you remember? You kissed me that day" he smirks again.

"How could I forget that. That was when I realized that I loved you" I put my head on his chest.

"So that's how it happened?" Valka's voice surprises me.

"Mom! Really?" Hiccup's cheeks flush, showing he's embarrassed.

Cloudjumper walks in behind Valka and Hiccup and I step away from Stormfly.

"Hiccup, open the top of the arena" Valka demands and Hiccup pulls a lever, opening the top of the arena.

Cloudjumper picks Stormfly up with his feet and flys out of the arena.

"You guys go to her stables I'll meet you there" Valka says.

Hiccup and I walk outside the arena and he gets on Toothless. I get on behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. We take off and I remember back to the first time I rode Toothless with him. That was the best day of my life.

We land in front of my stables and Valka is already there.

"Okay I've examined her injuries and I can fix them. Her leg should heal within the next week. But she won't be able to fly for at least 4-5 weeks." Valka says as Hiccup helps me off Toothless.

"That's okay as long as she is okay" I smile.

I'm so glad that Stormfly's okay.


Yay!! Stormfly is okay!!

She can't fly for a while though :'(

Just a quick update.




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