Chapter 20

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Here you go @rosy1518, your character is in this!!!!

Also, I made another Hiccstrid book, it's called 'You're My Princess'!!!!!!! Check it out!!!!

Astrid's P.O.V

I dragged Autumn along as I was running, her pet wolf, Buddy, following right behind.

Autumn is my 18-year-old sister. She went to DunBroch for schooling and she's back now! She was gone for about 5-6 years. She hasn't met Hiccup as my fiancé yet. Fiancé. I like that word.

"Hiccup!!" I yelled as I saw him landing in front of the Great Hall.

"Ast, why are so interested in Hiccup, if I remember correctly he was a weak, fishb- HOLY HUNK SAUCE!!! Astrid, don't tell me this is Hiccup!?!?" Autumn stared in awe as we reached Hiccup and Toothless.

"Yep, it is!!! Hiccup, I hope you remember my little sister, Autumn. She left for DunBroch when she was about 12." I hug Autumn.

"I do. Nice to see you again, Autumn." Hiccup smiles.

I LOVE his smiles.

"Um, nice to s-see you again t-too..." Autumn stutters and blushes.

Wait, a second?? Does she like Hicc? I swear if she lays a finger on him, I'll kick her-

"Hello? Berk to Astrid?" Hiccup waves his hand in front of my face.

"Oh! Sorry, Hicc..." I nervously smile.

He smiles and takes my hand.

"Wait, so you two are a thing?" Autumn pats Buddy's head.

I nod and Hiccup's arm wraps around my shoulders.

"Woah, never saw that comin'..." she looks kinda disappointed.

I can't say that I'm happy about the fact that she looks disappointed.

"Astrid, I saw that you got a letter at the house" my mom walks past.

"Oh, I should go look at that" I kiss Hiccup's cheek.

I call for Stormfly.

"I didn't know you had a dragon, Ast!!!" Autumn squeals as Stormfly lands in front of me.

I give her an 'Are you kidding me?' face.

"What?" she shrugs.

"Do you want a ride?" I mount Stormfly and pat the back of the saddle.

"I'd love one!!!" she squeals and looks down at Buddy, who is at her side "What about Bud?

"Hmmm...I have an idea. Hand Bud to me" I hold my arms out.

"You think I can pick him up?" she looks at me like I'm crazy.

I hop from the saddle and pick Buddy up with one arm.

"How did you-what!?" Autumn stands there, dumbfounded.

"Haddock, can you un-tighten the straps on the holster for my axe, please?" I look back to him.

He walks up to me and Stormfly and begins doing what he was told.

"There, done" Hiccup finishes the last strap.

"Thanks, babe" I kiss his cheek.

I put Buddy under the straps and strap him down.

"Okay, now that Buddy is taken care of you can hop on, Autu-" I look and see Autumn is no where to be seen.

"Hicc, did you see where?" I look to him.

He shakes his head.

"Oh well, I guess it's just you and me Bud" I scratch Buddy's head.

"Hey, what about me and Toothless?" Hiccup says, coming up next to me on Toothless.

"Eh, Buddy's more interesting" I take off, quickly, giggling as I do so.

Hiccup is on Stormfly's tail and Buddy barks as Toothless strikes the air above me and Stormfly.

I land swiftly in front of my house. I get off Stormfly's saddle and un-strap Buddy.

Hiccup lands and gets off Toothless. He walks up behind me and starts tickling my sides, making me laugh.

"H-Hiccup, st-stop!" I manage to get out between laughs.

"That was for taking off without me" he stops tickling me.

He kisses my lips "And that was for everything else"

"Hey! That's my line!" I softly punch his shoulder.

We walk inside my house, and find a letter on the table.

'To: Astrid Hofferson and Hiccup Haddock
From: Merida DunBroch'

That is what the front says.

"Hiccup, it's addressed to both of us" I tell Hiccup.

He comes up behind me and wraps his arm around my waist.

I open the letter and begin reading.

"Hiccup, we're invited to DunBroch" I finish reading.


Hey guys!!!

I'm sick 😷.

I do not like being sick.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

(It's a holiday Americans celebrate)


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