The staff party- smut

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Warning: Lots of smut, swearing and kink so if offended by any of those please stop reading here!

Tonight was Tony Stark's party, his new release of some sort of software he has conjured up out of no where in his office. But you were never a part of that side of things; as Pepper Potts' assistant you mainly just helped with the paper work and ran to get coffee etc.

All the avengers were at the party, Nat who who had seen a few times around. Bruce, who you never saw much of as he was with Tony most the time. Steve, who always just kept himself to himself and took charge of missions with Tony. Thor was stood over by the drinks table and was inspecting some beer. Wanda and Vision stood together chatting.

You had just applied some lipstick in your room; touching it up around the curves of your lips. You took a step back from your mirror took a deep sigh, grateful that Stark had invited you as you had only just started your work at Stark towers. You gave yourself an assuring nod, picked up your phone and walked towards the living room where everyone was.

You hesitated at the door, and considered everyone and what they were wearing as you felt over dressed. You wore a dark green long sleeved dress that hugged you at your breasts and fell flowy around your waist to your knees.  You loved it though!

You took a deep breath then opened the door.

"Y/N" boomed Thor as you was the one who caught his eye first. "You look incredible, may I say?" The others gave a lovely gesture you and paying you compliments on your dress.

Wanda and Nat walked over to you and handed you a drink. "You look stunning Y/N" Natasha said, she smiled and greeted you with a glass full of bubbles. You sipped it and thanked her. "I love the colour" Wanda said and you also thanked you.

You took a second to consider the ambiance of the room, the music resembled some AC/DC that Tony seemed to play regularly in his lab where he made his suits and remembered you once questioned Pepper about it and she just rolled her eyes and told you it helps him

An hour or so passed and Tony walked over to Thor. "So where is reindeer games?" Thor rolled his eyes as he took a swig of his drink. "In his room sulkin- oh reading sorry" he said in a sarcastic manor. "Why's he sulking?" Tony inquired. "We had a falling out." Thor just sipped his drink again.

Thor turned to you and asked "Lady Y/N could you see if he would like to come out and make some company at all?" You nodded and walked away, champagne in hand.

You knew where his room was in Stark Towers, the raven haired god was always in the kitchen making his Earl grey tea. Often huffing at all the mortals in the tower and walking in a dominant manor back to his room.

You approached the door and as you opened it you tripped on your dress, trying to be too careful of spilling the champagne and you fell on to the floor of tha the God's room. You were just gathering your bearings, and looked up at the God. He was sat on his bed reading what seemed to look like Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, to which you both shared the passion for; you may not have been at the towers long but you observed an awful lot.

"Who are you and what on Earth are you doing in my room!" Bellowed the stern God.

You were so stunned to see the God you had no clue what to do but stutter, be utterly took your breath away!

"Well?" He asked, with a frown.

"Um, they want you to come to the party" You said. He huffed and placed a book mark in-between the pages. "I don't go to parties" he said.

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