All good thing's come in three's- part two

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Warning- BDSM, swearing and smut

After getting some food, you re-read over the instructions you were given and you decided, you wasn't going to be a 'Good' girl. You had about an hour before he returned and you was in daring mood, you went and got ready for when the God come home.

You put on your favourite song, applied your makeup and curled your hair. Once that was done you walked over to the bed, there laid  your outfit that you knew would get him writhing. A dark green bra, a dark green lacy thong, and to top it off, a robe to match. You put it on and then it was time to wait.

The door opened and when it clocked to him that you were in fact not kneeling, he knitted his eyebrows together and paced into the apartment, 'Y/N' He bellowed, 'Yes' you said innocently as you came from around the corner of the living room, 'Was this how I asked you to be when I got home?' He spoke, 'How was your day?' You avoided the question intentionally, 'Testing' He squinted at you, 'Was this how I instructed you to be?' He leaned by the wall next to you placing his hand next to your head, 'I asked how your day was-' you went on, 'Stop avoiding my question' He said with more tone, 'No' You said finally giving in, 'Darling, what have I told you about defiance?' He warned, 'Darling,' You mocked, 'You should know, I don't kneel for anyone' You informed. Simultaneously, you placed your hand on his cheek, he snatched your hand away, he had an angry glint in his eye, 'You will always kneel for me, and only me, do I make my self clear?' He snapped almost defensively.

You looked down, "Well then, I guess, have I been bad?" You gave him the best "fuck-me" eyes possible, you knew you'd completely turned him on. "Bad" He replied, his eyes wide somewhat surprised at your boldness. He removed your wrist from his clutch, "And punished you shall be" He went on. He removed his tie and unbuttoned his shirt slightly. Making your clit pulsate in reaction. "Go bend over the sofa," He instructed. He walked over as you leant over the arm of the furniture, you laid your arms out on the pillow. He placed his large hands on your robe and lifted it up, revealing your thong bound ass. He began. "Now, darling, I'm going to spank you, 5 times, you're going to count and if you don't; that adds one more strike, am I understood?" He said, "Yes" you whispered. You could feel his smile.

"Stay here, if I'm going to punish you I'm going to do it right." He bared his teeth and he waltzed away. He came back with the flogger and he placed his hand on your ass. He leant over and ran his hand through your hair and leant to whisper in your ear, his bulge pressing against you. "You'd best remember this moment, my sweet sinner, because you'll be getting this every time you misbehave." He warned, you bit your lip in pure seduction. "Start counting" He threw his hand back and the flogger hit your ass, it stung delightfully, "One," You started, he breathed out, you could tell he got joy from this.

By the 4th, your ass was numb from the smacking but, you liked it, a tear shed from your eye as he conducted the 5th. "Five" You whimpered. He came over to your face and gave you a kiss, "Good girl" He stood up and rubbed your ass to soothe it, "Mmm, such a pretty shade of crimson" He enticed. "It's all yours for the taking" You replied.  "That's right it is, and I wouldn't have it any other way" He ran his hands through your hair once more, and your breath settled from it's shakiness.

"Bedroom, time for your reward." The God instructed. You did as followed and took off your robe on the way, you went to take off your undergarments- "No, princess, leave them on, I'll take them off myself" He smirked, he removed his shirt and crawled onto the bed with you, you started unbuttoning his trousers and placed your hand down his pants, "Oh, my darling you're so big" You said, as your hand traced his length. "It's all yours for the taking darling" He said. He helped remove the rest of his trousers. He moved to sit up; his back against the headboard, you kneeled between his legs. His dick was in your hands and you started wanking him off, after a few grunts and moans you began sucking. "Y/N I'm going to, your tongue feels so good on me" His breath was hoarse, you looked up and his whole body was so picturesque. You stopped and he frowned. You went up to his mouth and kissed his lips, "Y/N I must have you" He breathed.

He directed you to be on all fours and he slowly took off your bra, your breasts hung downward and he kneaded them, your nipples were hard, he turned you on just with one touch. He began kissing your back and down to your ass, "I love your ways, pet, your body thrives under my touch it's so venerable. I love it " He said saying a word between each kiss.

"I love your ways with me" You replied, as you drew your lip to your teeth, he took off your thong and began moving his tongue up and down your womanhood, "Pet, I love it when your literally dripping for me, you taste so good" He said. You were so ready for him, he moved his cock to your cheeks and began teasing you, "Loki, you feel so good, please put it in me. You've punished me enough, I want to feel you, I want it all." As he pushed himself into you, you both moaned in sheer pleasure, you clenched your walls around him as he thrusted in and out. His waist slapping against your cheeks, made you even more in love with the rhythm for one another.

"Darling, you feel so good around me, I can't wait any longer, I'm going to-" He gasped for breath he couldn't finish his sentence his mind was too focused on his thrusting. "Loki, my king, I'm so close," You whimpered so close to your climax, "Do it princess, come for me," He panted, "Loki-" His name screaming off of your lips. "Ah Y/N you feel so good" He also came in you, you withdrew from him and kissed him so wantonly. You throbbed from your high. And you laid together in a unity.

"Darling, I'd much rather you behave, and then we can have rewards like these" His voice low and calm.
"Maybe, I quite like adopting your mischievous mannerisms" You returned.

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