All good things come in three's- Smut

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Warning- kink and dominance

You woke up with Loki by your side, it must have only been 7am, and his warm breath fluttered on your neck as he was spooning you, "Loki, don't you need to go to work?" You said subtly trying to wake him up. "Hmm, five more minutes?" He grumbled. "I gave you the day off, why can't I have it off I'm so comfy?" He continued. Loki was your boss at work and no one knew you were secret lovers.

Various moments passed and he finally arose from the bed. You smiled as he got up because he slept naked and you didn't mind! "I love your ass" You giggled. You sat up as he turned around, his eyes descended on your body, "I love your breasts" He smirked. He went and brushed his teeth and put on his suit for the day.

"My god I'm a lucky woman" You said as he walked out of the walk-in wardrobe. He smirked once more whilst completing his tie. "I've got such a boring day ahead" he moaned while rubbing his temples. "Well is there anything I can do to make it easier?" You proposed. He looked at you with that sensual glint in his eyes. "You know that toy I got you for your birthday?" He started. You nodded. "Well you haven't tried it out yet have you darling?" He continued, he went on, "Why don't you send me a little video of you giving it a go?" Your eyes widened, again you nodded. He paced towards you and gave you a kiss on the lips, you run your hand through his raven hair, "Darling, I must leave for work, use the spare phone in the drawer for the little video, I want it three times please pet. All good things come in three's, your a good girl aren't you?" He said, withdrawing from the kiss. "Yes, yes Loki I can do that" He hesitated, "Sir, you call me sir, when you've filmed the video, thanking me for the present" He said with slight irritation in his tone. "Yes, sir" you replied. "Good girl, have a good day Y/N see you tonight" He said with a wink and a smile, he walked out the door and exited the door.

You laid on your phone for a while and then your curiosity pricked your senses. You walked over to the
cabinet and picked up the box with your gift in. You opened it and in it laid a dark green vibrator. It curved ever so slightly, so it hit you in all the right places. You walked back over to the bed and set up the phone to film. You pressed record and went and laid on the bed with your present. You started by licking your hand and rubbing your clit slightly, then you placed the vibrator in your mouth, wetting so it slid in so delicately, making you feel incredible, you placed it by your womanhood and became teasing your self for a few moments, you closed your eyes and thought Loki laying on top of you. You forced the toy into you, and you became pumping. As you became closer, you started rubbing your clit to make you come harder. When you reached your climax, you breathily said, "Thank you, Sir".

By the second time you climaxed your legs were spasming but you couldn't help yourself, it felt so good, you sent the video, and he read it. You smiled to yourself and pressed the FaceTime button.

"Are you alone sir?" You asked as he answered the call, "Yes darling I am, but I can't talk for long" answered. "Well you'd best shut up then" You set the camera and began making yourself come again like he asked. He contorted his face, "Y/N stop, I'm getting so hard, I can't think straight." He said while his breath hitched. "Take it out, show me, show me you" You said knowing this torturing him, you were close and you were trying to relive tension while thrusting the vibrator into yourself. He placed the camera so you could see his erect length, he was stroking himself up and down. "Darling, I'm not going to last long now" He whispered. Neither was you, "I'm going to come" You whispered into the camera. You both came at the same time. Your breathing paced at the same symphony, "Thank you Sir" you winked into the camera. "Good girl, I'll redeem you tonight" He said. "All good things come in three's, get back to work!" You snapped and ended the call.

You giggled and put the phone back, you then received a text from your phone:

Loki: That was rude of you to hang up! Seems like you need to punished then rewarded. I want you kneeling, hair up, wearing you underwear only, by the door when I get home. X

Smirked to your self and placed your phone back and got up to make some food.

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