Torn- Smut

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Warning- Smut

"I swear to god I'm going to pull my fucking hair out in a second" You shouted in stark towers as you paced back to your room. The dark haired God walked out of his door and followed you, "This should be interesting" He smirked. "Fuck off Loki!" You barked, "Rude! I just want to know what's going on?" He reasoned.

He followed you into your room as you gathered your things, "Y/N what are you doing?" He held his arms above the door. "I am going out... for a walk!" You said. He rolled his eyes, "Oh, may I join you?" He asked, "Why? So you can laugh at my expense?" You snapped. "No," He sighed, "I'd like to make sure you're ok" His eyebrows knitted in question and you knitted yours in pure confusion, "Why?" You asked, "Well if you let me take you out, I'll tell you! Are you hungry by any chance?" He said, you raised an eyebrow as a subtle yes.

You smiled and he smiled back you went down the lift and walked out into New York.
After a while, you sat down to eat at a restaurant.

"So what's up with you?" He asked. "Oh you don't really care-" You started. "No I do" He interrupted. He looked at you in your eyes, "Well, my parents drive me crazy, I feel almost torn between them," you sighed, he turned his head slightly as a sign of him listening intently. "I feel torn because, there relationship broke up, and no matter what I choose to do, I always end up disappointing one of them, either that or it ends in an argument" You said.

He closed his eyes in sympathy, "Oh Y/N despite the fact you resented telling me this, I'm glad you did darling, you see, I understand, there was a time when I did indeed get on with my father and you know I've always gotten on with my mother. But nevertheless, that feeling of being torn as you say, I do understand." He said.

"Loki, you've never told me this before?" You said, "I know, I trust you though, I really do Y/N" He said sweetly. "Darling, let me tell you something" He started, "You are no disappointment I can assure you" He said with a wink.

You both finished your food and started walking home, he stopped, looked at you, "Y/N, I've had a really lovely evening" He said, "So have I Loki, thank you for dinner" You winked. He looked at you and held your hands, and kissed you. So intimately, he wanted to kiss you so badly. He was hooking his tongue so deliciously in your mouth, and he placed his hand on your chin trying hard to push you closer to him, as if he wanted you all, you ran your hands through his hair. 10 seconds felt like forever. He pulled away, and you looked into each other's eyes, "So shall we go home?" He asked. "I think that's a good idea!" You said somewhat flush.

As you got back into stark towers, you walked to your room with him, you couldn't wait to see where this was going to go. You held his hand and took him into your room, as soon as the door closed, he pushed you against the door, and kissed you over again, "Loki, this is amazing" you said gasping for breath. "You're amazing" He breathed, kissing your neck, finding your various sweet spots. You moaned slightly at the marks he was leaving.

You started taking of his shirt, he stopped kissing your neck, "Are you sure?" He asked, "Yes Loki, I'm
Sure" You said. He smiled and continued to take of your clothes and kissing your breasts. He pressed against you too kiss you, once more and you felt his hard cock against your leg. "Go lay on the bed darling" He instructed, you went over to the bed and removed the rest of your clothes leaving only your underwear and bra on.

He came over and leant on you and began kissing your neck and all over your body, making your clit pulse. He was ready for you, he removed your underwear, and began kissing your thighs, "Take off your bra" You did, and he began massaging your breasts while he was kissing your womanhood, he stopped massaging and held his fingers to his mouth, he looked into your eyes deep as he laced his fingers. He looked down and slid two fingers into you, "You're so beautiful when writhing against me Y/N" He whispered. He withdrew and sucked his fingers they were covered in your wetness, he leaned up and started stroking his cock prepping himself to put it in.

As he slid into you, you both moaned out and he leaned into you, hitting you deeper and deeper, "Y/N you feel so good! And right!" He said baring his teeth. "Loki, I'm going to-" You breathed, "Shh not yet princess" He said while repeatedly thrusting into your, you clenched your walls around him, trying to not come. "I'm going to circle your clit, you can't come until I say so ok?" He said, you nodded and he started licking his fingers and circled your clit and it felt so wonderful, "Oh gods" You moaned. "Darling you're so delicious wrapped around me. Not long now" He whispered, leaning against your head, you were both head to head and looked into his eyes.

"I can't hold it anymore Y/N, you can come" He commanded, you both came and moaned together. And you knew this was the start of something beautiful.

You both came down and he laid next you, "You look so beautiful when you come" He told you, and kissed you on your lips, you both laid under the covers.

"Loki, I think I love you," You whispered. "I love you too Y/N darling, why do you think I wanted to take you out." he replied. And you laid there in each other's arms all night long.

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