Hate - smut

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Warning: smut, of course.

Tonight was Thor's birthday, and everyone was getting things ready for his banquet this evening.
It was around midday and you were curling your hair and getting yourself ready for the dinner. You had all of your makeup layed out on your dresser and started to delicately paint your porcelain skin. Your favourite song came on and you increased the volume. You had your door a jar so people could hear it slightly but you didn't mind you though everyone was in the hall prep eating food etc.

You were happily listening to your song when he walked past your room and said "Can you turn off this midguardian shit! It's driving me mad!" You glanced at him and simply shook your head. "Why should I?" You replied. "Because I'm reading and I cannot hear myself think!" You rolled your eyes and continued bobbing your head to the beat. It was only then you felt his eyes on you, you only had your bra and underwear on so you felt slightly exposed but you didn't exactly mind as you thought he would care.

"What are you staring at?" You questioned. He took a sharp breath, "You look dreadful, why are you painting your face?" He was looking up to the left, you knew he was lying, his breathing was also slightly rapid.

"Why thank you, you look rather shit too" You winked. "Gods you're so annoying!" He cursed. He turned around and left your room. You thought to yourself. Why was he looking at you? Most of the other Avengers looked anyway.

An hour or so passed, and you entered the dinner hall in your beautiful dress, somewhat shaken by Loki's word repeating on you. Feeling self conscious. But you entered anyway.

You walked up and down the table, most of the Avengers greeted you mean while, you found your chair and glanced at the name tag next to you, it read: Loki. Ah FFS you thought. Still you sat down and the God followed shortly after you. He also protested but he still sat down.

Hours passed and you ate. Loki kept pissing you off though and playing with your anger. At this point in the evening many of the Avengers were actually up and dancing, singing as Tony had put on a playlist. You had switched seats and was now sat opposite with the God. 

You looked over at his gloomy disposition, he had changed, he looked at you staring deep into your soul. You looked away and got up to dance with Nat but even after dancing for a while he still didn't change his look, you caught a glimpse of him again, this time you kept eye contact there was a connection of some sort. He bent his fingers, a sign for you to go to him, intrigued you waltzed over to him and sat down.

"What do you want, why do you keep staring at me?" You asked. "I was wrong earlier, you look, ravishing" he said. His voice some what hoarse, you glanced down at him and admired what he was wearing. His bulge was very hard. You shot a look back up at him, you yourself felt somewhat giddy you made him this way. He held your shoulder. "Don't say a word." He warned looking straight into your eyes. You nodded and giggled. "So, you hate me? But apparently you don't hate me" You mocked. He sneered "No, I don't hate you!" He was keeping a watchful eye on the others making sure they couldn't see his bulge.

"I find you rather sexy, the way you dance. What you're wearing" he whispered. "So loki, you're turned on by me? Tell me, which part did you like most when I was dancing?" You played. You shifted slightly and turned away from the others so they couldn't see what you're doing. "You like the way I drop to the floor. The way my breasts shake when I move to the beat?" You whispered in his ear, your hand playing with his hips slowly making your way down to his thigh. His eyes squeezed shut. "Yes I do" he managed to say.

"Hmm, interesting" you flirted. You stopped touching him. And said, "Meet me in my room in five minutes, when you've some what calmed down enough to move from where you are." You glanced down again at his bulge and smiled.

"I'm going to go to bed, got a huge head ache, happy birthday Thor!" You said.

"Thank you! Lady Y/N" he boomed.

You made your way to your room and winked at the dark haired God who looked somewhat dumbfounded at how much you just messed around with him. 

You went to your room. Sat on your bed and waiting.

It didn't take long and Loki, slowly came into your room. "That was unacceptable, I can't believe you did that in front of the Avengers" he was trying his hardest to stay stern, you ignored him, walked over to him in the most smooth way possible. And kissed him. You pulled away. "So you hate me Loki but get turned on by me. What am I going to do with you?" You were inches away from his face, he didn't reply. He just stuttered.

You moved down. Unzipping his trousers revealing his hard length, he must want you so much right now. "What are you doing?" He asked is breath hitching. "Well, I thought I'd help you out a bit and then see if you still hate me" you flirted. He gasped as you took him in your hands.

You smiled and then began sucking. You worked your hand up and down his length, you could get both hands on while you sucked his tip. You played about sucking and licking, quick and slow. "Please darling, you do it so good!" he whispered. "Do I? What do you want Loki?" You paused drawing him from your mouth. "Just make me come I can't let you edge me further any longer" he pleaded.

You took his down in full lengths in your throat, gagging at his length. You also massaged his balls to give more  pleasure. He reached his climax and you swallowed him down. His breath was rapid and he was flushed with satisfaction.

"Do you still hate me?" You asked lifting yourself back up from your knees. You placed a kiss on his jaw and kissed him so he could taste himself on your tongue. "No, I don't, in fact I'd like to repay the favour Y/N" he gasped and winked.

You smiled and kissed him intently again. You were proud of making him come and was excited at him wanting to repay the favour.

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