Voting- smut

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Warning: kink, smut, knife play and swearing.

It got to around June time and Odin had summon all of Asgard to have a ceremony about who would be the next king. Usually it would be his heir however he chose to put it to a vote as to who would be the next king; Thor, your best friend in the whole nine realms or Loki the god of mischief, an asshole really. You hated him he stood for the absolute opposite of what Thor did, Thor wanted good, Loki wanted evil.

You wore your gold gown to the ceremony and sat confidently next to Thor who looked somewhat apprehensive. "You'll do great, don't fear" you reassured him. "Oh I know that! Know one will vote for Loki, I love him but he wants evil and the people of Asgard can see that" he justified. You smiled at him proudly and gazed to your opposition, Loki was smirking intently, you knew his wasn't going to win the vote, your train of thought got interrupted by Odin sitting sternly on his throne.

"You have been gathered here today on accord of your need, I am soon to go into Odin sleep, never to wake and I need an heir. You, as the people of Asgard, are going to vote, between my sons, Thor and Loki, they shall both give their manifestos in writing. Nevertheless, one of my servants shall go to each one of your houses and ask for your vote. Thank you, and a message to my sons: a wise king never seeks out war, but he must always be ready for it." And with that the people of Asgard exited the ceremony.

"Have you written your manifesto yet?" You asked Thor. "Yes! It's ready to be sent publicly" he smiled fully convinced for the win. He took a deep sigh, "However Lady Y/N could I ask a slight cheeky favour of you?" Some what reluctant. You nodded as you would do anything for your friend. "Could you go into Loki's room after dark and try to find his manifesto, you see, I'm worried he's planning something to rule over not only Asgard but Earth too." You looked down and was very worried at what he'd asked you. But as you were always told be loyal, you agreed to do this for your friend. "Yes, of course Thor, the people of Earth are just as important as Asgardians'" you said. "Thank you Lady Y/N, you've done so much for me!" You smiled with gratitude as his words.

You took your eyes off of Thor's and again glanced over at your opponent, you truly hated him and his ideals. But he had gone, he must have left when the others were dismissed.

It got to dusk and you prepared yourself to go into Loki's room. You wore your dark leggings and hoodie and made your way to his room.

It was dark and the lights were dimly lit which benefitted you if anything. Your eyes wandered around his room, you found some draws in a desk, you opened them as he slept on his bed, a piece of paper laid on the edge of his desk you picked it up.

You felt a body up against your back, your turned your head ever so slightly to the side and found the bed empty. "And what might you be doing in my room?" A smooth velvety voice loomed in your ear. You inhaled and put on your sternest voice. "Odin wants to read your manifesto" you lied. He took a step back allowing you to turn around. "No, he doesn't you're lying" his voice slow and deep. "Can you blame me for coming in here? You literally killed 80 people in two days, I have to know what you're up to." You threw back. "That. Was a long time ago!" He spat. He looked into your eyes for a moment and turned his feet and walked a couple of paces back. "Don't think I'm blind to what you're doing. I know your love Thor and oh Thor Thor Thor Thor!" He mocked. "That really hurts doesn't it?" You toyed, witnessing some of the arguments they shared about favouritism before. He glanced at the floor, letting his guard down. You slipped the paper down your hoodie and down your chest. "Fine, I'll put the paper back. But I know you. You need to stop what you're doing and admit defeat! Thor is good and you will always be evil!" You took out a fake piece of paper and set it down and paced to the door. "Piss off, leave me be, I'll get my throne one day".

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