Traffic- Smut

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Warning: Dominant and kinky/ public

Tonight was the night. The God of mischief was coming to collect you from Stark Towers to take you to his apartment.

It was 9:30pm and you put on your best jumpsuit; dark green and a gold necklace on. There was a knock on the door, Mr Laufeyson had arrived, one of his associates informed. You put on your shoes and went down to the car.

"Good evening Miss Y/L/N" The God said smoothly. His presence dominated you as you settled in the car, "Good evening, Mr Laufeyson" you responded. "You nervous?" He asked. Shit he could tell you were. "Somewhat" You replied. Your breath shook as he sat forward and you could see his handsome being. The car pulled off and you began gazing out at the lights, "There's no reason to be nervous darling I assure you, as long as you follow every one of my orders and obey me you'll be fine" He said with a slight edge in his tone at the end. You smiled sweetly.

You continued talking amongst yourselves for a while. And then whilst crossing the bridge into the next city, you hit major traffic. "God sake!" He cursed. "I wanted to me in my apartment by now!" He huffed. "That's ok Loki, I'm sure we can amuse ourselves in our own way" You offered. "Indeed we can darling" He smirked. He squinted to the front of  the car and rolled up the window to the driver in the car, so he couldn't see you. You looked at him in confusion, "What are you doing?" You questioned. He looked at the way that your heart rate rise. "Relax darling" He looked at you assuringly. He leaned in and kissed you lustfully, "Darling, take off your outfit" He smirked, "Ok Mr Laufeyson" you winked. You removed the straps of your outfit and pulled it down under your hips. He licked his lips at the sight of your underwear.

"My Darling Y/N I do love the way you look tonight,  my colour suits you... unlike that red your father makes you wear." He said, "Darling?" He began, "Yes" you answered. "Make yourself come" He demanded. Your eyes gazed to the front of the car. "Tinted windows darling. My driver can't see you" He assured, you began to bring your fingers to your mouth, then brought them down to your waistband and you had to move your legs apart slightly to get a better angle for you to circle your clit. You gasped at the feeling rising in your stomach as you gazed into his eyes.

"Good girl" his breath hitched and his praise made your pleasure spike even more. You moaned loudly and he covered your mouth, you frowned, "He can still hear you, darling" he chuckled. You kept going every now and again you would tease yourself by sliding a finger in. Drawing you closer to your edge. "Loki, I'm close" you warned. "Come for me Darling" He responded. You did, whispering his name as you started dripping. "Beautiful" He praised. He gazed out the window, "The traffics moving now-" you cut him off and began undoing his trousers. Astonished he gasped. "Now I'm going to make you come" you said.

He closed his eyes as you began sucking, he was pulsating and moving his hips against you. You leant up as he helped you move your hair out of the way, "Do it Loki, Fuck my mouth" you said panting, and with that he began thrusting in and out of your mouth. "Ahh Y/N you're so good, you feel amazing" He panted. He closed his eyes and leant his head back in pure euphoria. "Y/N I'm going to come" He seethed. He did and you drank him down. Once he was finished, you pulled up and wiped your mouth with one finger and sucked it deeply whilst looking him in the eyes.

You went to gaze out of the window and he pulled your hair back, and kissed you lustfully your tongues tying together. You moaned as you felt yourself getting more and more worked up. "You've pleased me tonight Pet, I shall reward you when we arrive at my apartment" He said whilst tucking himself away.

You leant back and put on your jumpsuit again, "My pleasure, Mr Laufeyson" you winked.

The window rolled back down and the driver looked at you both suspiciously but he knew his place, you and the God turned to each other smiled. You knew there were more games to be played when arriving home with him.

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