Professor Laufeyson - Part 1

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My best friend Ebony was calling me at 7pm, I huffed as I saw the call show on my phone, illuminating the darkened room; I was upset as my now Ex Eddie had just dumped me, my heart hurt and I felt in shock at how quick it all ended.
I picked up my phone, "What do you want Eb?" I moaned, "Get your arse out of bed, I'm taking you for dinner at a new restaurant I found" She demanded in the most friendliest possible but still sounding motivational way, "Arghh Ebony, I really don't want to, I'm in my Pyjamas and my face is all puffy" I said monotonously, "Well, get up, wash your face, and get dressed! I'll be outside in 20" She boomed. "Argh, ok ok" I moaned.

I loved Ebony, she was so special in my life, I felt as though I could tell her anything and trust her, we did everything together, we were even studying at the same University. And because I trusted her, I got up and got and got dressed, slapped on some makeup.

I opened the door to her, I wore a plain dark green dress with thigh high boots, and had scraped my hair up in a hair pony. "Aww, Y/N, you look sexy! Let's go find you a rebound!" She laughed, "No! No rebound! I'm not like that, plus class starts tomorrow so I can't! No late night!" I said. "Whatever, let's go!" She said.


As we got to the restaurant, we waited at the bar first and got a drink. "I'll have an espresso martini please" I requested, Ebony bought the first round but I didn't hear what she got, I glanced around, then there was a guy at the bar, actually reading? Reading in the 21st Century! He looked handsome, dark hair the came down to his shoulders, nice clean shaved face, wore a casual dark green shirt and a pair of chino trousers. His hand rested on his chin whilst reading. I glanced at the book, it read, "The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald" I smirked, Ebony had announced she needed to go to the bathroom so I took this opportunity to talk to him, I mean what was the worst that could happen?

"Hey, good taste in literature" I said, he looked up from his book, his blue eyes gazing into mine "You've read him?" He asked, "Of course I have! I studied him in College, I'm a major in English Literature" I smiled, "Ah so am I, good taste indeed!" His eyes lingered on my outfit, "Good taste in colour too!" He smiled, "Yeah I guess so haha" I took in his outfit as he sat on the bar stool, paying close attention to his bulge but my eyes quickly met his as I tried to pass of the fact I was staring so deeply, his eyes had been on me the whole time, we held eye contact for a few beats, until, "Y/N we have to go sit!" Ebony had come back, and practically fell into me as she came back, I swear she was drunk already.

I walked back and got my drink and sipped it, "Well, I got to go eat," You excused, "Yeah, I'll see you later, Y/N" He said knowing my name not by me telling him, by Ebony accidentally announcing it. "See you soon, stranger, happy reading" I said flirtatiously, his eyes lingered and as my friend rushed me away from the table and we sat down, ironically, I sat facing him, he still sat at the bar, all the way through the meal. He glanced up at me, our eyes met once more. Shit, now he thinks I'm weird great.

Ebony grabbed my hand, "Y/N behind you, don't look now, I think he's giving me the eye!" We broke eye contact, "Oh is he?" I asked, "Yeah I might go for it y'know!" She said excitedly, "Go for it" I said, "Ebony just be careful though" I said intently. We finished our meal and I hadn't had any more martinis bad it doesn't exactly go down well with pizza, and it was a good fucking pizza.

We walked up to the bar, Ebony had written a note on a piece of tissue, asking the guy she had her eye on at the bar. We went up to the bar to pay for the food, he walked up to her, "Hi" then he nattered on about himself and the next thing I know, the bill was paid and we were about to leave until, "Y/N, you're leaving so soon?" They book guy, had tapped my arm before walking past him. "Oh yeah, classes start tomorrow so I'd better go" I smiled, "Let me but you one more drink, please?" He smiled sincerely, you felt like you trusted him. Before you could answer. "Hey, Y/N, are you ok with Mr English Lit here? Me and Dylan over here are going to another bar" Ebony said, "Yeah, go have fun! I have enough for an Uber" I returned. "Ok have fun stay safe girl" She said, "You too" I said with a kiss on her cheek.

And with that I was left with this sexy stranger, "So, before you buy me a drink I've got to know your name" I proposed, "Ok, My names Loki, and might I say Y/N is a gorgeous name" Loki, said, "Why thank you, kind Sir" I said Comically, his eyes glanced away, as though he was in discomfort, I dismissed it but before I could say anything- "A espresso martini?" He said with a raised eyebrow, "Um, Yeah please, you pay attention, don't you?" I questioned.
"I try to make a habit of it" He said, and by then a martini was sat in front of me, "So, what got you into literature?" I asked, "Same as you, in class mainly, read one soliloquy of Macbeth and I was sold ever since" He said passionately. You liked how he took such an interest in his asset.

After an hour of talking, I finally said, "Hey, so I better be getting going" He frowned slightly, "Please at least let me get you a taxi" I gathered my things and bit my lip slightly, he quickly took in a breath when I did, like the me calling him Sir again, did he like it?

As we walked out, he asked "So, where's home?" As he glanced at his phone, tracking my Uber, "Um, just up the road, I live on the second floor of an apartment on Asgard street" He nodded, "Oh yeah, I'm familiar" He smiled and looked up at me; was there a spark?

A few moments later, the car pulled up, and I began to get in the car, "So, this is where I leave you, Y/N, good luck in your classes." Loki said with a smile and began to close the door of the car.
"Wait, would you like to come back for a drink?" I proposed, "Yeah I would" He said with a slight euphoric glint in his eye. He got in the car, as we traveled a hood 10 minutes back to my flat.

"Well, welcome to my humble abode," I said laughing, he didn't laugh back, I felt stupid, he just looked me in the eye and smiled, "Ah I'm sorry that was a stupid thing to say-" He cut me off, kissing me passionately, his tongue tapping my lips to let him in, I did, he grasped my face, but pulled away, "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry" He apologised, profusely, "No, it's ok-" I began, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," He said, "Loki! It's ok, I enjoyed it" I reassured him, "Really?" He asked, I noodles and with that I put my lips on him again, the kiss became more passionate and dominant on his behalf, he placed his hands on my hips, I ran my hands through his hair, to which he had to gasp for air for.

You glanced down, he was hard, you smiled seductively, I began to take off my dress,  he looked me up and down, "Y/N, you're drunk, we shouldn't" Loki began, "Loki I'm fine, please I want to" I looked at him with only my underwear on. He furrowed his eyebrows as a questioning look of if he had  my whole consent, "Please, Loki, I'm so turned on by you," I reassured, "Ok, do you have protection?" I nodded, he started, kissing me again, grasping my cheeks, "God, Y/N, you're so sexy" He breathed out, "I want to fuck you so bad" He said, I pulled away, "Then do it!" He took a step back, "Bend over the sofa, I want to do bad things to you Y/N, is that ok?" He instructed, "Yes, Loki" I did as he instructed, "Open your legs" He said, he started taking off his shirt, the anticipation was taking over, "Like watching me undress do you?" Loki asked, "Yes" I responded, he took off his trousers, and then I felt him by my arse, "Listen to me sweet Y/N, you don't come until I say so, ok?" He said starting to kiss all the way down my back, he took off my bra, "I'm going to take my hand, put it up to your mouth and you're going to lick it, then and only then, will your panties come down, and I'm going to circle your clit and watch you come, is that ok?" He said, God he was so fucking hot, "Yes, Loki, please I need to be touched so bad" I begged, "Eager are we now little one? Spit in my hand" He leaned down putting his hand near my face, I did as he asked. And he began pulling down my underwear.


Authors note: And you can imagine the rest....
Just kidding, next part is on the next page.

Consent is key my loves!

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