Proffessor Laufeyson: Part 2

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As he pulled down my underwear, he became ever so hard against my arse cheeks. He began stroking my clit and I moaned out at his touch, "Good girl" He began putting a finger inside of me, curling it delicately as I moaned progressively louder and his techniques, "Oh darling, you're so wet. It's just bliss" Loki began planting kisses down my back, I went to put my hand to stroke my clit, to almost tease myself, "No, hands behind your back! Be a good girl and you can come but until you behave I'm not going to let you come" He snapped. He placed a hard smack on my cheek, and I rested my hand on my back palms interlocking. With his other hand he began kneading my breasts and I lost myself in my near enough orgasm, and began to put my hand on my clit again. "Y/N I said no, that's it," he began, and he withdrew his fingers from inside me, and got his belt.

I gulped. "Stand up, give me your hands," I did as he asked and he used his belt as a set of hand cuffs, "Darling. If you can't do as you're told, you don't get rewarded, do I make myself clear?" He said, "Yes" I replied, he looked me in my eyes, "Now, I'm feeling particularly generous this evening, tell me what you want" He literally had me so god damn wet, I wanted him in me so fucking bad, "I, uh, um" He raised his hand to my cheek and stroked it "Darling, it's ok, tell me" I smiled, "I want your-" I began looking down at his cock, it was rock solid, he must actually be hurting, I took great power at this feeling, he had his eyes fixated to mine, "I want you're big, throbbing, cock, inside of me" His eyes shot wider, "On the sofa, now!" He said, I did as he asked and angled my legs in the air, "Hands in the air, so you're not tempted" I placed them up above my shoulders, he took his cock out and my eyes lit up, he rolled the condom over it and then positioned himself it my entrance, he licked his two fingers, and began lacing my entrance in his spit, and slid in.

I took in a breath sharply, and he leaned into me, head to head, "Breathe baby Breathe, God you feel amazing" He began pumping, hitting my G-spot so beautifully. "Baby, Loki, I'm going to come," I breathed, he felt so good, he placed his hand on my clit and began circling it, he knew what he was doing, "Loki—" I nearly screamed, "Do it baby, come all over my cock," He whispered, I did as I met my climax he pulled out and met his, it really was the best sex I'd ever have.

He took my hands out of the hand cuffs, and laid with me and I couldn't help but fall asleep.

In the morning, I awoke on the sofa and Loki was gone, he had left a note;

Morning Gorgeous,

I left you a coffee and some water (for the hangover) and please make it to whatever class you have on time ok.

Last night was incredible! Here's my number:

- Loki ;)

I smiled as it warmed my heart that he cared that much.

I got up and dressed and walked into class a few hours later, I strolled in ignoring Eddie and his new girlfriend. I kept thinking about last night. It was the best sex ever!

My phones buzzed, it was a text from Ebony,

Hey, how did the rest of your night go with that mystery guy...?

I smiled, and replied,

A lady never tells ;)

She responded straight away,

Well that means SEX! I need to know everything meet me at the canteen after class.

I put my phone away, and opened my note book, until... No shit no!!! It can't be.

"Good morning class, I'm you're new teacher, Professor Laufeyson." He caught a glimpse of me and paused, Shit. I had had the best sex with my English Professor! He smiled at me, my mouth just hung agape.

"Right class, please could you take out your copy of the Great Gatsby and turn to page 69, we should have all read over the summer, I know I was not with you then but you should have done, otherwise, no brownie points. He looked at me and deepened his look, I mouthed "Sorry" to him as I have not read it at all, shit that makes so much sense from the bar last night I should have known! He frowned at me just like last night. And my clit tingled and I closed my legs to relieve the tension growing.

I couldn't focus on class at all! I tried! Loki and I just kept exchanging looks, I lost my train of thought, I gathered my things and began to walk out when- "Miss Y/L/N, could you please come here, I need to talk to you about this chapter."

My heart dropped.


Authors note:
Uh oh... who saw that coming... probably a lot of us as it's pretty obvious. More to come don't worry!

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