The board meeting- Smut

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Warning: Public sexual acts, humiliation kink and smut... of course ;)

You and your boyfriend Loki were secret lovers at work. It was another boring day and there was a meeting in roughly ten minutes. You were trying to look like you were doing work but in fact you was doing absolutely nothing and "tidying" your desk.
You got a text from your phone.

Loki: Morning Darling, I trust you slept well. I've put a little something in your drawer be a good girl and do as the note says... enjoy your meeting ;) 💚

Perplexed at the text you had just received you opened the drawers on your desk, there laid a pair of underwear, and the note read:

Well done for finding these, go to the bathroom and put these on... you'll understand more in a while, keep it a secret,
Your Loki

Now you really were confused, but you did as you were asked, you came back from the bathroom and gathered your things for the meeting and headed up to the room.

When you opened the door and sat down, a good 10 more of your colleagues also sat next to you, you received a text once more:

Loki: Be as quiet as you can and I'll reward you later 💚

Once more you had absolutely no idea what he was on about until he was the last to arrive in the room and it became apparent that he was leading the meeting. He smiled at you and you knitted your eyebrows together as some sort of telepathic language to get an answer as to why he was taking your meeting.

"Morning all, so today we will be running through our targets and where we are at regarding our progress." He started. He put his hand in his pocket and the slide changed on the monitor that he stood beside and then you felt a dull vibration in your underwear. It wasn't enough to make you wet but it definitely distracted you, he went on through the slides and, each one the settings on the vibrator in your pants became stronger.

He was controlling it! For a while it stayed quite quiet and bearable but then, he gazed over at you, "Miss Y/L/N, what have your targets been like?" You looked him dead in the eye, as the setting went up again and the vibrating became even stronger and this time it was making your stomach go tighter, you crossed your legs and cleared your throat trying to relive tension but also stay professional, you put on your glasses, "Well, Mr Laufeyson, it seems to be that I am on target and sales are stable and where they need to be-" You couldn't finish your sentence and the setting went up again, it was starting to get your head in a spin.

He lifted his eyebrows in response to his inquiry, "Very good Miss Y/L/N, I would like to hear more about it later if I may?" He asked trying to get you to speak more. You just nodded and gazed back at your notes, trying hard not to come. He changed the slide once more and asked various other people around the room about their sales too, the setting went up once more and now it was really making it unbearable to not moan. It must have been on the highest setting now, you closed your eyes trying ever so hard to not give in, you couldn't believe he'd done this and you were livid he would humiliate you like this in front of your associates but you wanted him desperately.

Time must had fled by as he announced, "Right everyone that concludes this meeting, thank you for coming" He grinned and then directed to you, "Miss Y/L/N is it possible to stay behind a few clients have requested some more sales?" You again nodded, your head was such a blur that you couldn't even concentrate on everyone leaving the room and passing you by.

Then it was just you and him. Suddenly the buzzing stopped, "Well, you were a good girl" He smirked.
"What the fuck was that?" You said sternly. You were practically dripping at this point, writhing for an orgasm you legs shook from the adrenaline.
"Well I thought I'd make your meeting more fun" He winked, "You've been very well behaved darling, would you like your reward?" He said while pacing  towards you in his suit and tie. "Yes" you breathed.
"Yes what? Darling" He goaded. "Yes please, sir" you said pathetically and your breath hitched.

He lifted your skirt and parted your legs, but in the process ripped your tights and underwear trying to get more access to you, they were only ripped ever so slightly, but it only came done to where your skirt met, easy enough to hide but risky.

"Mmm darling, you're so wet, I should do this more often, I must say it was rather fun to watch" He giggled and kneeled between your legs. He put two fingers into you and started pumping, it only took a few reps and you were gasping, "Loki, my clit, please" You arched your back into the chair and he took his other hand and began circling your clit. You moaned so loud and closed your walls around him. "Please can I? I'm so close?" You begged. He looked you in the eyes. "Yes darling of course" he smiled and began circling your clit faster, "Just goes to show how quick you can be a good girl and then coming all over my hands the next, oh darling I love what we have, the ying and yang of disobedience and submission." He goaded. And with that you had found your peak and orgasmed, you moaned his name and he took the pleasure of licking you clean.

He withdrew and he kissed you whilst you sat in a daze for a while. "That was so good!" You said taking a deep breath. "I know pet" He responded, he looked down at your legs noticing your tights were ripped. "There are a pair of your other tights in my brief case, you left them from the other night, I washed them, why don't you put them on?" He considered.

"Oh thank you" You blushed and put on the other pair of tights. You kissed him passionately on the lips, "I'll see you tonight Y/N" he whispered in your ear. You walked towards the door. "Yes, see you then sir" You winked and walked away. He smirked.

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