Healing- Smut

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Warning: Angry sex

As you returned back to the Stark Towers after your mission and you were hurt quite badly, your head was in agony and your limbs were in pain from how many times you were thrown around and shoved into walls; this mission really took a toll on you.

As you walked into your room Loki came rushing towards you, "Y/N are you ok?" He touched your face and looked over your wounded head. "Loki I'm fine it was a tough mission" He looked deep into your eyes, you saying that didn't help, "Who did this!" He spat, "It was a member of hydra" you said with a monotone voice, you were drained, so you didn't give much thought to your injuries. "I'll kill them!" He bellowed, "Lok-" You tried to stop him, "I'll gut that son of a bitch!" He went on, "It was a girl actually" You said slyly, and sluggishly walked over to your bed and slumped down, he still went on, "I will chain the bastard up and cut his throat" He continued, "Loki sit down and shut up! I'm fine ok! It's sorted we won!" You shouted, he sheepishly walked onto the bed and sat down beside you, "I'm still pissed off, it's Stark who I'm annoyed with! I've missed you so much while you've been away how could he let you walk into that much danger!" He had calmed down but his voice still was filled with anger.

You placed you hand on his clothed dick, and started rubbing up and down sensually. "What are you doing?" He stuttered, you shushed him, he squeezed his eyes shut as him being clothed was annoying, he unzipped his trousers revealing his long dick, it was pulsating with need. You began to stroke again to get him going, "Darling you're hurt, let me tend to you first." He said, but it was too late your straddled him and began sucking, but edging him on, by  only giving him small licks over his tip, "If you're insisting on doing this, don't edge me on, take me or don't!" He snapped. You continued to edge him on, looking wide eyed up at him with a smile, "Y/N you little fucking tease, I'm so close" He breathed out. You hummed a slight laugh while his cock was still well and truly in your mouth and with that he ran his fingers through your hair and began making you suck harder moving your head up and down his length.

You gagged a few times and he laughed, "Take my fucking cock, you've frustrated me greatly with your teasing" he bellowed, he lifted his jaw slightly showing his jawline, and he closed his eyes from the pure ecstasy, "Y/N I've miss you so much pet, I'm going to come." He breathed, he came and you drank him down guzzling a mix of your own saliva and his come, he tasted slightly salty but you didn't really mind, you took great pleasure at watching his face while you drank him down, "Aw you're so fucking beautiful darling,"

You lifted up and smoothed your index finger over your lip to remove his excess come and you licked it after, you moved up to his lips and kissed them, giving him a taste of his own orgasm.

You withdrew and he looked into your eyes, "Now turn over" He said with a stern voice. You did as you were told and opened your legs to allow him access, "Take these off" He removed your trousers but not your underwear, he moved his hand up and down your underwear this made you tingle, "Now, Darling, if it's something I don't like, it's defiance" He whispered, he moved his finger up to your clit, and started circling it, "Lo- Loki, stop please just-" you begged, "I wasn't finished" He snapped and he gave your womanhood a short slap, making it tingle even more. "I won't put up with defiance, I asked you to suck and you didn't, that's rude and bratty of you" he took two fingers under your underwear and started circling your clit.

"Take off your underwear now!" He demanded. You did, and then he took his fingers up to his mouth and sucked on them lacing them in his saliva, "Are you sorry darling; you come home, hurt and tired, I try to help you and then you think it's ok to defy me! I'd never thought you as stubborn!" He bellowed. He shoved the two fingers into you, and you squealed and moaned as he curled them into you, "You're so wet already, answer my question" he continued, you stuttered, "Are you sorry!?" He snapped! "Use your fucking words" he was drawing you closer to orgasm, you managed to get out a, "Yes I'm sorry, Loki, I'm sorry" Then you went back to writhing and arching against his hand, "Good girl" He whispered, he climbed over and laid in between your legs, he began licking your clit, "Please Loki, I'm so close" you begged.

"Are you going to defy my again?" He Asked, changing the tempo every now and again, "N-no"
You stuttered, "Please Loki!" You arched your back once more and and smiled and hummed into your clit, "I love it when you beg, yes you can come, come into my mouth" He allowed. You did your body became tense and it felt so euphoric you moaned his name, he didn't stop licking you, "You taste so sweet darling" he moaned into you, he got up, and watched you come down from your high, he left the bed and went into your en suite.

"Where are you going?" You shivered, "To help you out" he responded, he came back with a warm damp towel and cleaned your womanhood, he came down and sat next to you "Now let's get you some tea, and I'll draw you a bath for your aching body, Y/N" He smiled, "Thank you, Loki" you replied.

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