Author's Note : VERY IMPORTANT

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Dear Readers,

          I am so sorry for making some of you guys wait. It has been about 2 to 3 years since my last update. And I apologize for neglecting my responsibilities as an author to provide a complete story to my audience.

          I will no longer make you wait, because I will tell you now that I can no longer continue to write this. Please don't be disappointed in me. I just feel uninspired to keep the story going. And if I, the writer, will not be able to give the story my all then I would be providing my readers half-assed chapters.

          I don't want that and I'm sure you don't as well. I want to make sure that everything that I give you is of full quality, the best that I can provide.

          Right now, I have a work in progress and I will be publishing that as soon as I can. I will finish writing all of the chapters before releasing the first one so that I can assure you of definite updates.

          Please forgive me. I love you all.

Desiree. Xx

7 Letters: YOUTUBE (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now