Chapter 7: No Way

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Yo! Here I go, type away! We all know about the last stalking fiasco text messages from Noah. I never receive text messages, unless their annoying and unneeded promotions. Which sucks. Ughh! So any of you out there know my number? Call me, I'm available. Joking. Love yah! Xxx


Chapter 7: No Way

It's been a few days since I went on that date with Jace and to be honest, our relationship didn't step up at all. He didn't ask me to be his girlfriend or anything like that, and I'm pretty sure we're going to be taking it slow. And it's not really like I'm hoping for him to ask me out again, because I'm not really thinking about having relationships right now. All I'm thinking about is what topic my next video should focus on, because I'm pretty sure I need to upload again this week. I'm just sitting on my desk, with my laptop.

It's a Monday, and my next video must be uploaded by Thursday. I just sat here kind of scrolling on some video ideas I typed down earlier this month. Hoping to get some inspiration for this week, mind block is what's taking place inside this four walls. 

Then I finally decided, prank call video, but I need a companion. So who do I know that would be willing to these stupid things with me? Cole.

"Cole! I need your help! Please!" I scream with urgency outside my bed room door.

He approaches me from downstairs a few seconds after I called "What? Do you need me to catch another spider crawling up your fairy lights? Because, gurl, this time I swear to God I am calling the f*cking pest control," he says.

"NO CURSING IN THE HOUSE!" Devin screams from downstairs.

Cole rolls his eyes, and I chuckle.

"I just need you for a video, so can I please borrow you for a little bit?" I ask him kindly.

He shrugs "Depends, what are we doing anyways?" he asks me suspiciously.

I smirk knowing he likes to get into mischievous things. "Prank calling," I respond to his question.

He grins and nods "I'm in."

We enter my room and he helps me set up the lights, the camera, and the tripod. We sit in these comfy little chairs in front of a small table. We grabbed a bowl and wrote down a bunch of stuff we're supposed to say to the person we're gonna call. And then another bowl with a bunch of phone numbers, Devin helped us with those. And then when we were all set, Devin sat behind the camera to help us tape this video. Glad I have supportive brothers.

I wore a cute panda onesie that's just completely adorable and comfy. So then Cole decided to match me and he wore a grey koala onesie. We looked completely adorable, I must say. And then Devin clicked record.

"Oh hey guys, Naya here," I greeted happily.

"And Cole," my brother added pointing to himself and smirking beside me.

"Yeah, and him," I said with a smile gesturing to Cole. "So today, we're going to be prank calling a bunch of people from our contacts," I say. I turn to look at Cole "Now Cole, explain the mechanics," I add.

Cole looks at me then to the camera "Ok, we have one bowl here filled with people's numbers and another bowl filled with the things we're supposed to tell the person we're pranking. We both have to get a piece of paper from each bow and perform the given task," he explains quite clearly.

"Yes, well done," I tease Cole. And we laugh.

For a while things were going smoothly and we were having so much fun. And it came to the point I had tears in my eyes because I was laughing too much. Then it came to the last person I have to call. I randomly picked out a paper in each bowl and then I read what's written.

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