Chapter 10: The Angel With The Mask

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Woohoo! Secrets and faces have been revealed. Let's see what else Noah has up his sleeve...


Chapter 10: The Angel With The Mask

"Ok, let's see. Uhmm... Titanic?" I guessed.

He laughed softly "No," he directly answered.

Me and Noah have been talking to each other on the phone lately. It's been a few days since we Skyped, and there's school tomorrow. Weird thing is, we've actually been trying to get to know each other. And everytime I bring up the topic of meeting up he brushes it off saying it's impossible. So I talk to him, but I could still feel the hopelessness. I have seen his face though and that's more than anyone else from his Youtube channel has seen.

"Just tell me," I try to convice him through the phone.

He chuckles "Scream, all of them," he answers.

Earlier in this conversation, I asked him his favorite movie and he kind of told me to guess. And for the past 5 minutes I've been listing movies I think he might've liked.

I laugh at his answer "Really?" I asked with a little disbelief tangled with my voice.

"Yeah, really."

"Cool," I said because it was the only word I had to describe his movie taste.

"You don't like Scream, do you?" he asks me with that hot kind of sleepy grumble caught in his voice.

It's 11:45 PM, I'm sleepy too but I don't want to hang-up the same way he doesn't. But somehow I feel like we have to. "No, it's not that I don't like it. I just get terrified easily so I don't really watch horror movies that much," I confess to him.

I could almost see that smirk in his face "Well maybe I could change that," he says. Then I heard him yawn.

"You know what? You should really go to bed," I tell him as I cuddle up in my own bed.

"No, I'm fine," he tries to convince me with a sleepy voice.

I laugh at his reasoning "Your sleepy voice is kinda sexy, Noah," I inform him with a smug smile on my face.

He puts out a lazy laugh "I'm not sleepy and I'm not hanging up," he tells me.

"Why not?" I ask him.

"Because I like talking to you," he admits. "You don't want to talk to me, do you?" he asks with a worried tone.

I slightly blush "I do, I just don't wanna intervene between you and your beauty sleep," I tell him.

He chuckles "You're not, so keep talking," he scolds me.

We kept talking for as long as we could, I fell asleep as he sang to me again. He promised he wouldn't hang-up until I was actually asleep. He sang me a song that stole a piece of my being, Thinking Out Loud. It was his voice that drove me insane, and the way he let the words go, the way the lyrics echo in my mind. He was making me weak. And I don't even know how he was capable of such.

Hopefully, I'm not being catfished by this man. But I highly doubt I am.

The next day.

I had to force myself out of bed, the idea of school makes me anxious. But I have to go. Because that is what's expected and forced onto for people my age, apparently it's a life insurance kind of thing.

I took a quick shower to wake me up, a little bit. I pull my wavy hair up on a ponytail. Light make-up for my face, just to keep things fresh and looking clean. I threw on a white Beatles band shirt, a pair of black jeans, and white low-cut Converse. I also tied a red long-sleeved plaid shirt around  my hips, and carefully place my shirt over it. I put on some bracelets to cover up my wrist and then dragged my bag and my ass downstairs for breakfast.

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