Chapter 3: Call Me Maybe

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Hello guys! How's it going? I hope you guys are enjoying reading this and everything!


Chapter 3: Call Me Maybe

I walk to class alone and just blend in with the crowd but some people turn to me. It's scary sometimes that they look like they're about to kill me, I don't know why they stare or look at me like I'm not one of them. I guess I feel  like I don't belong here in the school with all these people. I feel like I'm the one pushing over the crowd heading over in a different direction, like a stream and I'm fighting the flow. I enter the room and I was greeted with glares; I'd rather be anywhere else right now. I took a seat somewhere at the back and took out my phone, I've been getting calls from the same number. 

Before I call the person because of curiosity, the teacher enters so I stuffed my phone inside my bag instantly. I turn to the teacher and he greets us. He tells us to work on the yearbooks and monthly school newspaper. I take this extra curriculum class and write for our school. The photography elective is working with us and I have to personally talk to them.

"Go do what you need to," our teacher says as he takes a book and starts flipping through it. The club goes ahead to where their supposed to, and we slowly handle all the things we need to. I go to the group handling the photography and paper design to give them a few notes the editor told me to give. 

I see hoodie boy whose name still remains a mystery to me, Jace's bestfriend I mean. I stand there with a pad of paper and a pen and they all look at me. 

"Okay, I'll make this quick and easy; I just have to give you some notes the editor told me to give you. First of all we need pictures of random lockers from different students and we'll make a collage with those lockers. Don't put the names and crap all those obvious things out if you have to, but don't make it obvious to who it belongs to. We'll leave those a mystery and make the students guess which belongs to who," I explain as I drop a piece of paper the Editor gave me on the table. 

They lean close to the paper and study it closely "When's the deadline?" the leader of that group, Leah, asks me curiously.

I smile and nod "We need those by the end of this week or the first few days of next week, but please, as soon as possible and as quick as you can. Can you do that?" I ask for consideration.

Leah grins and raises an eyebrow "We never tried it on a short deadline before, challenge is challenge," Leah says happily.

Landon, Leah's brother who is their club vice-president looks as hoodie boy with a smile "Aiden," he calls. Hoodie boy lifts his head, his face looking at Landon and his face covered by his hood. Landon smiles at hoodie boy or rather Aiden "you can do that right?" Landon asks softly.

Aiden nods and takes his camera from the table and begun to walk to the sibling's direction and begun to read what I wrote on the paper. He pulls down his hood but he doesn't look at me so I can't see his face. "Nice handwritting," Aiden says his deep voice echoing in my ears like freaking music from my favorite band's new album. He pulls his hood up holding his camera and sits down again.

Leah turns to me "So, I guess we'll need to get permission from the office to borrow the duplicate keys for lockers so even the students' who own the lockers we used don't know too," she says to me and I nod absent-mindedly. 

Aiden's voice though!

I walk back to the editing station and they gave me a topic to write about and I began typing down words as I cooperate with others as much as I can. When I'm busy I don't pay attention to the people around me.

After school...

When I came home I went directly to my room; I threw my bag on the floor and let myself fall on the bed and I pull out my phone. I have 8 miss calls from the same number. I roll my eyes and groan in annoyance. My phone rang in my hands and I answer but the other line instantly hung-up. 

I decided to just open my laptop and go to youtube. After a few minutes, I found myself scrolling down Night_Angel's videos, checking if he took a video accidentally with his face in it. Then my phone started ringing loudly. I took my phone and answered without checking the caller-ID.

"Hello?" I whisper to my phone.

No answer.

"Hello?" I tried again.

And.. whoever it is hung-up on me again.

I walk back to my computer table and started vlogging because I suddenly got  for my video. I fix my hair and check how I look on the screen and once I thought it was decent I clicked the record button. "12 Types Of People You Wanna Avoid #12, people who hang up on me," I say recalling talking on the phone like a stupid person with no one replying. "I mean, talking to a person in the phone is cute, but when they hung-up on you without telling you or without even a single word," I pause and do the sassy Z-snapping fingers thing "not cute anymore," I say sassyly. "I hate those people," I add.

After I finished vlogging, I edited in together really quick and posted it.

After an hour, my phone rings again and it's getting annoying, I answered it.

"Yeah?" I say half-pissed already.

"Stop saying you hate me," the voice from the other line says. I swear I just felt my heart secretly melt. It was the voice that somehow I found sexy. The hair from the back of my neck stood upand I suddenly became weak i nthe knees. This is Night_Angel. I would never forget that voice, even if I tried. But then my ear-to-ear smile disappeared when he hung up on me. AGAIN!

I throw the phone on the bed and groaned in annoyance "He is so annoying, rude, cocky, idiotic, sexy-voiced, confident, hot," I say as my voice starts to go smoother and I'm trailing off. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?" I scream.

"Nothing!" I hear Cole scream from outside "except for the part where you're going crazy, you weirdo!" he adds loudly.

I rolled my eyes "You wanna say that again?!" I scream to my brother.

"You are going to be a crazy cat-lady!" he screams again. 

I ran outside my door and down the stairs to the living-room "It's on like donkey-kong," I say as I jump on him.

Me and my brother wrestle in the couch for awhile as the TV was left open. His phone starts ringing and he pushes me and I fall. He answers the phone as I massage my ass that took an impact on the ground. "What is it?" I whisper ask him.

He hungs up on the phone and smiled "Mom said we should just order Chinese take-out or pizza," Cole says with a smile.

I smile and look up at him "Pizza, most definitely," I say to him with a grin. 

Then we both hear the front door open "I'm home!" I hear Devin scream from the hall. "Someone call pizza!" he calls again as he enters the living room where me and Cole are. 

He smiles and drops his leather jacket by the couch and his bag at the floor and sits with us. Cole ordered pizza. 

I wish mom comes home more frequent than she does. It's just hard living without your dad. But when you don't see him at all it's like you don't even have a dad.


Okay, that is a filler chapter and we didn't go to the exciting parts yet... I'm so sorry it's a bit boring...

Could you guys do me a big favor and vote because I just noticed that this story doesn't have a single vote yet! It'd mean a  lot! 

Ok guys... I'm doing my sign-off...

BRO-FIST! please vote, fan, promote, comment, etc. and they will all be much appreciated!!!

Thanks and love you so much!

-Dhes xoxo

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