Chapter 1: Video Games vs. YOUTUBE

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Enjoy reading... if someone is reading... if no one's reading that would be sad...Then that would mean I was talking to myself... Guys, comment if someone's reading? Please... I don't wanna know I'm going cray-cray cause I'm talking to myself... I am such a loner...


Chapter 1: Video Games vs. YOUTUBE

"You don't know how to drive Naya!" my big brother, Cole, exclaims as he tries to steal the X-box controller from me.

I hold my controller away from him. "I'm playing Cole," I say as I hold the controller like it's the thing keeping me alive.

Cole is handsome, effortlessly handsome and good-looking. Guys, don't need to work hard to look appealing or attractive, it's not fair to girls. They only get like 2 minutes of preparation and there, vióla handsome teenage hotie. Mommy likes long names, so Cole's whole name is Erikson Cole, I know it sounds mature but he's immature for being 18 and on 12th grade. He has blonde spiky messy hair, and I love to tease him by messing it up even more. He has green-grey eyes and I envy the green hue in his eyes. He has the cute little dimples in his cheeks and the most charming genuine smile I've seen.

"Cole, let baby Naya play; cause then you be the one complaining why she likes spending more time in Youtube than with you," my other brother, Devin, says as he sits beside me.

Devin Luke Malward, my bigger brother, he's 21 years old and is in his 3rd year in college. He's the sensible and responsible one in the bunch, he supervises me and Cole when we argue. It's much more easier to admit that Devin is handsome, cause he is. He has disheveled natural brown hair with blonde highlights and has the most green eyes I've seen, so I envy him even more than Cole. His eyes are like emerald green and you can't keep your eyes off of his. He has rough and defined cheek bones that would fit a model, he looks like he leaped out from a magazine.

I consentrate back to the game and we're fighting about how many people I hit while driving. My character is currently being chased by police. Then Cole grabs the controller and starts to drive better than me. "Ughhh!" I groan in annoyance.

Devin shakes his head in disapproval and begins to rub his temples "Let's just play Naruto so we can have 2 people battling each other," Devin suggest.

We both look at him in agreement and smile.

Cole changes the game and we start by picking three characters. I chose Naruto, Jiraiya, and Tsunade; my brother chose Sasuke, Pain, and Kakashi. His players don't make sense, in the anime world those three would be killing each other by now. "You don't make sense bro," I say rolling my eyes.

"Hey don't judge!" he screams just as the game starts. We start playing and enjoying, no actually I'm the one enjoying using Kyuubi as a killing machine for Sasuke. He is losing cause he didn't read his combos and everything, he's just pushing random buttons while I am annalyzing my next moves and working out those news combos I learned.

Then my phone started to buzz and I paused the game handed the control to Devin "Dev, take my place, I just have to answer this."

I go to the kitchen and look at the name DIANE flashing in the screen; I press the answer button and put the phone to my ear "Yeah?" I ask.

"Well, the Youtube chat is starting. it's awesome!" she says with enthusiasm.

I laugh and nod "I'll go check who I'm partnered up with," I say as I run up stairs.

7 Letters: YOUTUBE (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now