Prologue <3

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Hey! Nice to see yah guys! I'm Dhes and I'm your author... Ah ha ha ha! Please read "Bad Boy Ruining My Life" if u have time...

The characters in this story are not real!


7 Letters.

Seven letters can mean loads of things that matter and for other people it may mean "L-O-V-E Y-O-U" or "M-I-S-S Y-O-U" or something romantic. But for me it means Y-O-U-T-U-B-E a site that has videos about different things. Yeah. That famous network that's so awesome everyone knows about it.

I'm Naya Leigh Melward and I'm some famous youtuber who loves to express myself in videos. I am 17 years old, and I'm in grade 11 still. I find myself more when I'm in front of the camera vlogging and stuff. I'm not a loser, I'm actually really popular in school but that all started when I started getting a lot of subscribers. I used to get bullied though. But I can't let anyone else treat me like I'm trash anymore, I just need to be brave enough to stand up for myself. I promised myself that I would stop doing what I used to when I was younger. And that is cutting. Yeah, I used to self-harm.

Not anymore.

I have a reason to keep going now; my reason is my family, my promised new video every week to my 'Babes'. I also don't know how they made that name. But that's what they type in the comments so I just went on with it. And maybe it's because that's what I call them too.

Today's taping day cause it's a weekend so I turned on my laptop and began to vlog.

"I know I have a lot of people who support me and watch my videos but I just get bothered by the hate, a lot. I love being loved and I hate being hated. And I know everyone does to. I mean it just hurts to be criticized and get verbally bullied by people you really don't know and don't know you personally. I know it's mean to say that they have nothing to do with their lives, and I won't say that. Cause I believe everyone has purpose and I will not judge others by what they put down on their keyboard. Even if I secretly want to, I admit, I'll try not to do 'that'," I say to the camera as I highlight the word 'that'.

I cut it and press record again. I cut videos and edit it together so it's cuter. "This week's video is '12 Kinds Of People To Avoid' and I literally wouldn't like anyone to get offended," I say to the camera once more.

My mother enters the room before I cut the video and I give her a wait sign and she whispers "oops."

I cut the video with a smile and then turn to my mom. "Yeah?" I ask her softly.

She smiles genuinly "I just wanted to remind you that your brothers are waiting for you to play GTA5 on the X-box," she says gesturing downstairs. Yeah, she's the cool type of mom. She has dark chocolate roots with medium chestnut brown hair. And she's one of the 12% of the world with green eyes, beautiful green eyes. She held such soft and warm eyes, I've always wanted those eyes, never got them. She looks pretty young for her age, she's 42 but she aged like fine wine and she doesn't look like she has three children.

I stand up from my computer table and take my phone from beside the laptop and turn to my mom "I'll be down in a minute mom," I say to her and she nods and closes the door. I slowly shut down to my laptop.

Back to my normal life.

I'll continue the vlog later. After I play GTA5 with my two annoying loving brothers, I'm gonna start filming again.



That's the prologue... I hope you guys want more! Add this to your library if you did... I just adore YOUTUBERS, I love how they make me smile... PewDiePie is one of the best... And Ryan Higa is just super AMAYZINGLY CAPITALIZED AWESOME FANTABOLOUS MASSIVELY FUNNY!!!

I look up to them YOUTUBERS who are so good at making people laugh and happy... I hope you guys would want to continue reading...

Thanks so much for checking this chapter or reading it... THANKS AGAIN!~

<3 ~ DHES ~ <3

"I'm on a rollercoaster that only goes up, my friend."

-Augustus Waters

The Fault In Our Stars

John Green

7 Letters: YOUTUBE (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now