Chapter 4: Save Me From My Monsters!

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Yo guys! This chapter is dedicated to a loving friend of mine who supports my writing career 100%. She told me really complementing things about my writing... And yes, I know her personally in the real cruel world where the cliché-ness of Wattpad cannot reach... LOL

So... with a sudden boost of ego... (not really... I don't really have ego) But I would honestly like to thank her for the support...

Love yah Eunice! xx


Chapter 4: Save Me From My Monsters

I am running... I am out of breath as I feel the walls of my lungs cave in. I am in a place where everything horrible happened even before I started Youtube. I am running in the dim-lighted hallway of the school. I do not even know what I am running from, I turn to look behind me and all I see is a shadow. A shadow of a man who's face is covered with darkness. One word. I can feel one word burry itself in my mind.


Then I wake from my nightmare. I feel myself breathing heavily, with fear biting the tip of my fingers. Pain. I sit up and wipe my sweaty forehead with my arm. I look around my room, I see nothing but traces of moonlight making there way from my window to my bed room floor. I lay down again and then curled up into a ball and for some reason, started crying. I felt tears wet my cheeks and I don't bother wiping them. My phone started ringing from under my pillow.

UNKNOWN was flashing in the screen

I answer anyways "Hello?" I ask softly trying to hide all signs of fear and pain from my voice.

"Are you crying?" the voice from the other line asks softly. I don't need another second to figure out who this is. It's Night_Angel and his astoundingly hot voice. Why would he be calling? I calmed myself down as I savour in the sound and softness of his voice.

I manage a pained laugh "How'd you know?" I ask him back.

He manages a laugh of his own "You once said in a video that you wake up at strange days in the middle of the night because of nightmares and you just can't help but cry," he explains in a comforting tone.

I wipe my tears and manage a weak smile "Thanks for calling but if you're just doing this to laugh--"

"I'm not laughing at you," he cuts me off. "I wouldn't do that to a person I could relate to. I know your pain; I suffered worse," he says, pain and hurt dripping from his voice.

All the way from the phone call, I could sense his ache as I feel my heart just shudder at the sound of suffering in his voice.

"I'm so sorry," I manage to mumble to the phone.

He chuckles "Don't be, it's not your fault. It's mine. I'm sick of people saying and feeling sorry for me," he snaps at me.

I feel my lips curl up as I think of a proper response. I couldn't think of anything. Then when fear subsides enters rejection.

He hangs up on me.

I drop the phone from my ear and push the thought away. I try to push away the thought that he might care. I have to wake up from my naïve thoughts and realize that no one cares. My family, that is all I stand for now, they are the only ones I will not overlook.

My phone rings again, I answer without bothering to check the caller ID.

"Look, I'm sorry for snapping like that," Night_Angel again.

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