Eva, my beautiful Eva

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Here we go.  Another day, another problem.

"How can such a big cucumber fit into such a tiny hole?!" I said, screaming from exertion.


"AND WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO" I keep screaming because this thing is making a lot of noise and vibrating.

"PUSH. PUSH THIS MOTHERFUCKER IN IT" Emma seemed possessed.

"Ok so..On the count of three we push" i told her and she nodded back. "So, 1...2...3!!!" We screamed with all our might as we pushed it.

"What a fuck is going on here??" Sab came through the door pissed off by the mess in the kitchen. We stopped immediately and compose ourselves. "Oh my god.....MY BLENDER"  she said walking towards us trying not to step on pieces of food on the ground. Not to mention what was stuck on the walls and furniture. 

"So you're telling me you've made this mess....for a smoothie?!?!" Sab was really pissed off.

We started mumbling together to give her an answer catching a angry look in response. 

"Heeeey what-" 

"ENOUGH" Sab interrupted Cooper with a wave of her hand and left the kitchen.

Without saying a word, Cooper walked over to the table, grabbed a few pieces of fruit here and there and put them inside the blender. He took the knife and cut the cucumber to fit it in, closed the lid and,while looking at us with a fake smile, pressed the 'Start' button.

We told him to fuck off and went into the living room. "We could have cut the fucking cucumber. Why didn't we think of that?" said Emma to me.

"Because you're not as smart as I am" Cooper replied as he walked up the stairs with his smoothie in hand and he got a middle finger from us. 

"Fuckin Cooper and fuckin cucumber" I said taking out a piece of cucumber I had in my pocket that made us laugh. 

After half an hour of being on the couch watching tiktok, we decided to go take a shower. As I closed the door to my room, I laughed as I thought back to what Sab might have understood from behind the kitchen door. Cucumber, push and hole are not words that should be in the same sentence.

I took off my clothes with pieces of fruit on them.

"Fuck" I said looking at what was in my hair. I went into the shower and washed all my thoughts away. 

I thank Emma for the funny afternoon we had together that made me forget what I was going through.

 Everyone is acting different since she left. I don't really know why she left us but I know it had something to do with Sab. I was forced to end my relationship with her at the time because of our manager and because of my friends that kept telling me that she was wrong. Although I had secretly tried to write to her without getting any response.

I went out of the shower, dried off, and with my towel on, walked out of the bathroom. I put on my pajamas and dove into bed. I call it pajamas even though it's t-shirt and shorts.

I turned on my phone and watched Tiktok for a bit. After a while I got puppies and people dancing popping up, an edit of me and her hugging appeared. I couldn't stop watching it. I went into the comments and noticed that a lot of people were wondering when we were going to get together. I wanted to write something but how can I state something I don't even know. 

My hands start shaking at the thought of not seeing her again. But why now...why right now and not when she left. It's true that I was very angry when she left because she didn't even say goodbye to me. I only found out when I got back from the gym with Sab. 

Ok no, enough. I don't want to think about it. But even if I put all my will into forgetting her, I can't and I don't want to.

I went to my gallery and started flipping through the photos until I saw the ones with her. Scrolling through the photos I realized how happy I was with her and how she made me feel. 

My eyes were getting wetter and wetter as I looked at the pictures. Until I couldn't take it anymore and I started crying my eyes out as I held Jerry.

I fell asleep with her face, the star of my thoughts.


My beautiful Eva.


Hey guys!!

How is it going? I hope you guys are doing well. So this is the first story I've written and I hope you enjoy it. I accept any criticism, and I invite you to comment so you can keep each other company during this journey. Have a great day and a good read <3

𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕒𝕚𝕥 𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕄𝕖 // Anna Shumate & Eva CudmoreWhere stories live. Discover now