goodbye my love

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5 minutes ago

"Anna please go away. I've afflicted you so badly already, I don't want you to go in the middle of things that don't concern you," I tell her taking her arms.

"No...I'm not leaving without you."

"But I did a horrible thing and-"

"Just like you fucked up, I did too, but still you apologized and I love you too much to let you leave again." she says resting her forehead with mine.

"Anna, I love you too," I give her a salty kiss because of my tears covering my cheeks.



I can't. I can't leave her to die to protect me. We got into this mess together and we'll get out of it together.I pull away from the kiss and rest my forehead on hers and stroke her cheek with my hand, wiping away the tears. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Too many thoughts in my head and too many things to say.
We maintain eye contact until Connor speaks again.

"Aww what a great scene. Too bad I don't have that much time so...goodbye!" Connor raises his gun and with a smirk on his face, pulls the trigger aiming it at Eva.

But I manage to get my reflexes ready and get in front of her. I fall into Eva's arms and feel like I'm losing consciousness.


"No no no..." I keep repeating with the hope that time will reset. Anna lay on the floor and I held her in my arms. "Don't close your eyes Anna, stay with me."

The words barely came out of my mouth as I was choking on my tears. I can't lose her. I hold her as tight as I can hoping the angel won't take her away, won't take her away from me. In the meantime, it starts raining hard, as if God is crying for us too.

Connor throws the gun away and looks at his hands in terror. "What did I do..."

"What did you do," my voice cracks with each word, I'm out of breath. Now, however, the pain is slowly being replaced by another feeling, anger. I turn around and see that next to me is the gun Connor threw away. Stupid move.

I pick it up, wipe the mud off and with a trembling hand I raise the gun to him. Wet hair falls across my face but even so I can see my target perfectly.

"Eva no, I-" Connor raises his hands as if they could protect him.

"You took away from me, the only thing worth living for in this shitty world. I don't think it will be a problem for others if you no longer existed." having said that, I realized he wasn't the person to shoot so I put it to my head. Upon reflection, she was really the only thing worth living for, so living would no longer make sense. 

I'm ready to pull the trigger but my hand is moved and the target became the tree. Connor falls over in fright and runs away.

I look at my wrist and see that it was Anna's hand. I turn to her face and notice her eyes are open.

"D-don't, don't do it..." says Anna trying to caress my cheek.

"Anna, I...This is my fault. If you'd never met me, this wouldn't have happened."

"If I'd never met you, I would have never gotten to hold you," Anna replies with a broken breath. "I'd take a thousand bullets if it meant I could see your face every day." she grabs the back of my head. "But now, make me immortal with a kiss from you."

I then waste no time and do her bidding. I pull her tighter to me and kiss her.

The kiss itself, like Anna said, is immortal. It travels from lip to lip, century to century, from age to age. Men and women garner these kisses, offer them to others and then die in turn.

But soon after, Anna faints again, leaving me breathless.

I don't want her to go away.

Then at the ospital...


It's been three days now since Anna has been in the hospital, and I've been here the whole time: on a small chair next to her bed holding her hand every second thinking about what I'll have to do when she wakes up. 

No sign of Connor has been found but I'm sure he will be caught.

I sit on the bed next to her and take her hand. I think back to all the moments we've spent together but also the bad ones she's had to go through because of me.

It's always my fault. I took advantage of the fact that she was still sleeping, so I started talking to her.

"Hey my love, I don't know if you can hear me but I just wanted to say I'm sorry. You got into this mess because of me and I can't forgive myself for what happened to you. I love you, like I've never loved anyone else. You were the first person to open up my heart. I know we didn't go on those mega romantic dates like late night car rides or picnics...but the times I spent with you were the best and I don't want to leave you" I pause a little while taking a breath between tears and kiss her hand before continuing the conversation.

"But" I squeeze her hand tighter "What I'm about to say isn't easy and I swear I wish there was another way, but this is the only way right now. You got yourself into this mess because of me, because you stood by me. So I think it's better for you, that I walk away and disappear from your life for a while because the thought that something could happen to you again makes my stomach turn.
I love you, but if that means going away in hopes that you can find happiness with someone else too, well then I will. The strength of our love is the only thing that keeps me going even if it means living without you. I've made mistakes in my life. I've let people take advantage of me, and i accepted way less than i deserve. But i've learned from my bad choices and even though there are some things i can never get back and people who will never be sorry. I'll know better next time and i won't settle for anything less than i deserve. But I need to let you go so you can grow up without problems because of me. I'm sorry. Bye my dear Anna." I give her a kiss on the forehead and then on the lips and then grab my jacket and run away.

I don't know if I made the right choice but I think I did.

I don't want her or anyone else to get hurt because of me.

Even if it means leaving my greatest love.

In that hospital room, only the golden-haired girl was left, and a tear fell from her closed eyes.


*crying my eyes out, ripped off my heart*

Yeah i know this chapter hurts a lot,
maybe the next it will be better or worst.
I don't know whether to let you cry a little more or get right to the happy ending eheheh

Btw i love you guys and, like always, lemme know what do you think!!

Kiss <3

𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕒𝕚𝕥 𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕄𝕖 // Anna Shumate & Eva CudmoreWhere stories live. Discover now