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Bright was spending the weekend evening vegetating in front of his laptop. Google link update many interesting things usually but tonight nothing caught Bright attention. After going back to the same sites, over a few more times nothing caught his interest rather curious idea popped into his mind about his rival.

Google stalking

Bright tapped the keys quickly, and enter name Win Metawin. The article heading says Bright New Lawyer of India and "Metawin was RIGHT" and many more article came out regarding Metawin cases, tonne of old and news articles about Win Metawin and how he is humble person and not afraid to fight for justice.

The one article caught Bright attention "The Real Biography of Win Metawin". Bright clicked on the link.

Win Metawin is A Good Man With a Dark Past. Win is young and he is none other than Bright courtroom rival. They already fight on a several cases and the score is equal 12 :12. At the end both always won if the other finds that the suffering party is eligible for justice they gives in. They never interact with each other outside of Court room. But each time they stand opposite to each other the atmosphere change but Bright seems always curious to know with other lawyer friend what's going on Metawin life and which case he is taking next. And Win also believe that Bright is a good lawyer and always stand for Justice.

So the biography included Win life struggles during his childhood he was having abusive parents, then his struggling for getting education though and how he barely able to afford his higher education. There was also mentioned that for earning money Win went into the porno industry. And it is estimated that he participated in 5 movies before he had accumulated enough money to keep him financially stable.

Bright raised an eyebrow. That was certainly new information to him. He scanned the rest of the page, it was filled with scandal about Win Metawin how once he humiliated when someone disclose his past in his lawyer friend Party, some more about his character in Court rooms and how girls are joining law profession just to meet Win Metawin cuties. Nothing more was mention than that single sentence about Metawin being porn star. Bright frown but immediately smirk, his curiosity was at peak so know how he can get the information he muttered "it's time to use some Google fu".

Win Metawin Porn Bright didn't find much under Win Metawin name, he knew artist change their names if they work as an porn actor, Bright thought if somehow if he found Win porn name, it'd be much easier to find the videos, if they still exist on threads. He read few more blogs, and some more article. After spending more 40 minutes he finally get what he was looking for.

UID: Pink 002226

MetaWin did porn in collage!!!!

:no guys, seriously

:his name was Tine Teepakorn when he was filiming it [ he changed his name so his mom didnt find it, lol]

: theres not many copies of the dvds any more but i think ive found a torrent of his third 1, link is HERE - xyz

:i dunno if its actually real or not tho I haven't checked because I respect Metawin 😅

Bright came to his sensesafter reading a big of comments on a link thread, and he clicked the link and downloaded the torrent 3 times in his haste to click the link to download. Bright kept reading the thread as he waited to complete downloading. It took more than 20 minutes to complete downloading of 1 video.

After when download complete the moderator came at first to announce 'Guys we dont want this to get out, if people find out he'll be humiliated about it. Please respect other's privacy. Thread is locked, keep this to yourselves only'.

Bright collapsed into his couch feeling giddy, grinning and excited to watch young Metawin . The notification came that the download had finally finished. The player opened up, horribly slowly Bright has to wait another 2 minutes.

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