Let's ruin our Friendship

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Bright and Win have been best friends since they were five years old, and their families were basically one big family since years back. It was nice, having both family members together which didn't happen often enough in Win's opinion as many of them not living in same state anymore. Though some had moved out but also new members joined as spouse or spouse to be. It was still good to see everyone during the new Year get together though. Mike was soon going to marry Type, he was the one who dug out the old videotapes of his and Type practice marriage. Smile married to Love two months ago. She was the newest family member. She ask looking at the first shot on huge TV as there were flowers everywhere and candles lit up "Is that a real wedding?". Smile laughed and explain his wife "Yeah wifey, this is from when Mew and Gulf got married and after their ceremony Mike wanted to practice, so we got together and did a pretend wedding of Mike and Type. They were already together that time". Bright was acting as a priest and Win was acting as Type Father. Win instantly buried his face in his hands before he could see his big entrance with his brother walking down the aisle. He heard the laughter though as everyone realized what was happening. Bright's reached out and put an arm around Win shoulder, but he was laughing too.

As the wedding progressed on TV Win managed to put his head up and watch with everyone else. It was cute wedding of little teenager who were acting and pretending to be an adult. Of course  few things also made it harder to watch as that was also the day Bright promised Win to love him forever. Win happily return the promise to Bright as well. Then Type reminds everyone that how his brother and Bright agreed to marry each other if they weren't married by twenty-five. He also  points out that Win's twenty-fifth birthday is less than a month away, and Bright is already there. And neither of them is married too. Mike made a fake serious face and said "You know they must kept those vows. Here they are, over twenty years later and they're still loving each other the way they did back then".

This time Smile open his mouth once again as his face lighting up as if something occurred to him "You know the best part?" Win wasn't sure he wanted to know what his cousin was thinking. Smile continue "Best part is we should be seeing their wedding for real in a couple months". Win had no idea what prompted that was, because it would never happen for real. No matter how much Win wished it could. Hearing Smile words Bright went very still, except for pulling his arm back from around Win to rest on his own lap. Brighg finally opened his mouth and ask "What are you all talking about?" As Both Bright and Win stared at Type and others blankly for several minutes. Type said and tried to remind both boys "When you guys were like ten or twelve something You both made a promise....Come on, You don't remember Bright you were as excited as Win that day?".

Win immediately answer before Bright could remember anything about the day "No, he doesn't remember anything or neither I". He force himself to meet his brother eyes then he took a couple of deep breaths and said "Bright? I really don't remember anything about it. Do You have any idea what they're talking about?. I mean, I know they're just messing with us?!". Bright was really confused he quietly answered "I have no idea apparently they're in on one team against us whatever joke our brothers are playing .... And trust me I also hate it when they gang up like this on us".

Type rolled his eyes and he went inside then after a while he came back, holding a folded piece of notebook paper in his hand. As soon as Win saw the old notebook in Type's hand all his lost memory came back rushing into his brain as clear as crystal then he whispered to Bright and then to his brother "Shit, I cannot believe he still have that.... Bro, Why do you still have that?".

Type grin and held the book in front of his face and said "Lots of kids make marriage pacts, either to marry or never to. The age varies, of course. Twenty-five, thirty, forty... but that wasn't good enough for our Bunny. So here it is Win wrote up an official contract, where both Bright and Win promised to marry each other if they weren't married by twenty five, and not only did he and Bright both sign it, he got me and brother Mew to sign as witnesses and Smile to notarize it". Type shot Win a shit-eating grin he continues "After you went to all that trouble, of course I had to keep it! I was afraid you both might forget about it. And here you are less than a month away from your twenty-fifth birthday, you and Bright are both unmarried...". Love suddenly squeal "Oh my god, another wedding.... that was seriously adorable you two".

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