First Valentine Date

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Today was the day Kevin decided to finally do it. He would finally tell Thyme how he felt about him. He remembered the first day he saw the guy four months back, It was the first day of their college the new semester. He had never seen him before so knew, the guy must have just moved here or come from the other school.

Kevin never thought that he fell for someone at first sight. Kevin had never spoken to Thyme just once even if it call a conversation. The time when he ran into Thyme in the hall causing both of them to drop some of their books. Although it wasn't exactly a romantic meeting though, but he did fell for the boy.

Their first meeting was consist of Thyme glaring at him with a "tsk.." and Kevin continuously apologizing for colliding into him while his face red. Atlast
After his last sorry he got a "whatever" and from Thyme and walking away like he owned this whole university.
Just when Kevin was about to lose the sight of Thyme he called out and yelled "hey! Um ..I'm Kevin!". Thyme turned around though but all Kevin got as a response was "Yeah Okay" and like that the conversation was over. Since somehow Kevin found out the boy name, on the same day and since then it was just stealing glances in the hallway while passing through, hoping he wasn't getting too lost in his own thoughts for Thyme to notice him as a stalker or anything.

But today was The Valentine's Day and Kevin was determined to tell Thyme about his feelings. He was sure he would just get a laugh or a rejection in return but he was too determined to do this and get over the boy. He had stayed up till almost 1Am last night to make the chocolates earning "idiot!" from his elder sister.

Kevin finally decided to write a note to Thyme asking him to meet somewhere away from prying eyes. It would be ten times more embarrassing if other people watch him. He scribbled on a yellow memo paper asking Thyme to meet him on the back side of the auditorium steps of the university. Hardly anyone was ever visible there and there wasn't any event anytime soon so most likely it would only be one or two other people.

Now the next step was how to give Thyme the note. Kevin was sure he didn't want directly to hand him ofcourse so h decided to just drop it whenever he'll get a chance during the day. Kevin checked the time it was showing 12:00. It was lunch time there were no classes between the times of 12:00pm to 1:00pm giving all students a break to eat, study or for diung homework or Whatever they needed to get done.

When Kevin reached the cafeteria, he spent the first fifteen minutes just wandering, looking around to see if he could spot Thyme eating or working on any assignment. Just as he was beginning to lose hope Kevin found him far in the corner of the cafeteria, leaning towards his shiny black laptop, typing something faster than bullet train. Kevin decided to wait and see his crush and pass the note paper he prepared. He took a seat nearby but not close enough to be noticeably by Thyme to watch him.
Around 12:35 Kevin saw Thyme shut his laptop and pack his belongings into his bag. Then suddenly Thyme hung his bag behind his chair and walk off to somewhere.

Kevin decided he probably wouldn't get another chance like this.
So he ran over to accomplish his first mission of dropping his note paper, he reached near Thyme bag and Kevin tucked the small note paper in the front pocket of Thyme bag, just not enough to fall down, but enough to be seen. Kevin then quickly ran back to his seat as if nothing happened.

After few minutes Thyme returned back he retrieve his bag from the chair but stopped from leaving. And sit down on his chair and took out a note paper. He opened it and finished reading the note. Then looked up to his right and left most probably looking for the writer of the note.

Kevin could already feel his cheeks flush with red in color resembling human tomato thinking why was he embarrassed anyway. Thyme probably didn't see him keeping the note and what was the possibility that he thought it was him either? But Kevin couldn't take it anymore he gathered his belongings, stood up, and strode out from the cafeteria. As the day passes and the time arrived of meeting. Kevin felt like he was sweating bullets, he was getting nervous and could barely sit still.

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