2gether - Final

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Pam was sitting on a sofa, hugging her knees somewhat lost in her thoughts after packing her bags and stuffs. There was a divorce paper in her hands that his ex husband Bright Chaveeree gave her couple of months ago. She was shocked when suddenly one day Bright handed her the documents, 13 years of marriage ended just like that in a blink. It would be a lie if she say that she didn't suspected her husband's change of behavior in last 2 months but she had no idea about Bright falling for someone else. She was clueless or maybe naive to think anything such. She dumbly thought it's just a phase in their relation and it will pass by on its own just like any other. She didn't bother when Bright stop touching her after a new year... she thought it might be a work related pressure or maybe stress afterall Bright Chaveeree is a well reputed and we'll know Doctor of a country, she took their relation lightly even though she was aware of Bright's sexual needs since the beginning. They have been together through thick and thin for so long. They were so much in love with each other then suddenly all love vanished for no particular reason from their relationship. Obviously they argue and fight but they were each other's home in the end. Her single minded dedication into their marriage felt like a joke to her now. She left with no choice then to agree and leave Bright for good. Bright ask for uncontested divorce, so that it can be quick and easy without much trouble or hassel. Pam couldn't fight back as it doesn't matter the ultimate result would be the seperation of them in the end. Plus she's always been a housewife, financially depend on Bright hence his now ex husband paid her huge alimony in return, including he made the arrangements for her to settled abroad where she can live rest of her life in peace without bothering him or interfering in his personal life.

Pam's elder sister, that is Win's parents were settled in Canada since very long hence Pam decide to go back to them, atleast stay closer to her only family rather then staying all alone in different country. Pam remembered the time she spent with Bright. those were happy days, and last year were the best days. Bright seems always cheerful and happy in the house. She, Win and Bright spend such a good time together just like small little family. Since Win started staying with them she never felt the need of a child or alone. Win was a great, he always help her around and give company. They were more like a best friend than aunt and nephew. Frankly she never felt Bright is not happy with her or he doesn't want her anymore. His husband was always home on time, behaving nicely to her including he was always sweet to her nephew too, he was just like a fatherly figure and took care of everything. She remembered the moment when she asked Bright smiling bitterly "Why? Why do you need a divorce all of a sudden? Did I do anything wrong?". Bright looks were resolute which made difficult for Pam to read her husband expression as he flatly stated "I don't love you anymore. You've been sitting on Mrs Chaveeree position for long now. It's time to change that and give the title to someone else". Pam look at her husband half in shocked and half in daze, her heart aches as if it had torn apart ruthlessly by the man she loves the most. Since the beginning of their marriage. She only loved Bright, they fall in love after they met then quickly got married and she never thought this day will come where Bright will ask her for divorce because he had found someone new. He will ever want to get seperate from her. Pam couldn't help she asked brokenly "Is there someone.. else in your.. life now?". Bright chukled at that as he smugly stated "It doesn't matter darling.. You're leaving anyway.. why bother to know about it... its only going to hurt you when I say he's the most beautiful and sexiest one at that..". Bright was right it doesn't matter when the ultimate decision is already been made for her. He might be Bright's colleague or maybe someone he met during those trip he went on last years. She had a momentarily choke as she felt hurt to think about her husband fucking someone else behind her back. She should get angry, scream and shout at her husband for fooling her but then also she won't be getting her husband back and nothing woukd change. Bright seems to be blindly in love with that homrwrecker and he'd do anything to make him happy. Bright sleeping with someone else made her feel too weak and distraught for some reason to fight back now she was scared to even know the name of the person who managed to capture a married man attention to this extent. Plus she doesn't want to be an eyesore to the only man she loved all her life. It seems like a long moment when she decide to just let go the man who doesn't love her anymore, doesn't want her anymore in his life. If that's what Bright wants she will happily leave and let Bright live happily with the person he loves and care. Her divorce is now old news to everyone, everything was done and dusted. It's been a whole week she moves out to a friend place.

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