Chapter 1

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Reading is dreaming with your eyes open... Welcome to my dreamworld
Have a happy time reading ❤


" Now it's time to felicitate the 1st rank holder in BSc. I call up on Shrinidhi Hegde of St. Philomena's College to receive the honors."
As I heard the MC calling out my name I walked proudly towards the Vice Chancellor who was ready to award me with my certificate and gold medal. I looked at my family seated in front row beaming with pride on my achievement. I received the honor, for which I had spent 3 years of my life in diligent studies and hard work.
This was my golden moment.

"Wake up Nidhu, its already 6. You still need to get ready for your classes."
Damn...... Was it a dream again?
It felt so real...

" Amma.. Why are you so cruel to me? You disturbed my dream exactly when I was receiving my medal."
I complained to my mother who was in my room to wake me up.
" You dream about the same thing almost every day since you joined your degree college. You know, girls of your age dream about boys, love and marriage and look at you, busy dreaming about gold medals."
" Amma.... According to the situation at this home romancing with a boy is a strict No No. So I'm romancing with my books which can lead me towards my dreams."
" Hope your dreams come true Nidhu... Now get up and go wake up your lazy brother, he has tuition classes. I still need to prepare your breakfast and lunch boxes."
"Waking up that Kumbhakarn is really a hard task. I need a strong filter coffee to compensate my lost energy"
" Nidhu.. Talk carefully, Your Appa will start giving lecture early in the morning if you talk something about Shrey. You can have your coffee with your Ajji. Now please freshen up and wake him up"
" Ok Mother India. Command accepted"
She laughed at my nonsense and went back to kitchen.

Ohh.... forgot my introduction part right?
This is Shrinidhi reporting live from Shashi Nilaya, JSS layout. Jokes apart, myself Shrinidhi Hegde, daughter of Shashidhar Hegde and Sharada Hegde. My father works at SBI Mysore branch as cashier and my mother is a lovely home maker. I have a younger brother, Shreyansh studying in 11th, and the sole reason of his existence is to annoy me every single second. My paternal grandma Sumitra Hegde lives with us. These are the basic information as of now. If any character makes a guest entry, I will let you know according to the situation.

Now I have to wake up my extremely lazy and useless brother.
"Oyee Shrey the sleepyhead, wake up. You need to attend tuitions"
I tried waking up my brother who actually sleeps like a log.
" Get lost you bookworm. Don't disturb me"
"Of course I had to be a bookworm since Appa can't afford one more slow learner's tuition fee in this house."
" You....."
" VWXYZ . Now get up and get ready"

After successfully pushing him to get ready, I went to kitchen to collect the coffee cups and went to my Ajji's room. She is a darling at her late 70's and the best gossip partner I could ever ask for.
" Ajji, your coffee and Nidhu is here"
I walked into her room and she was already waiting for me.
"I was waiting for you since I woke up. You know, I have a hot news from the neighborhood........"
and as usual our gossip sessions with our morning coffee continued till the main door opened and Appa walked in.
" Good morning Appa"
I wished him and handed his reading glasses for the newspaper waiting in his hands. He always spends his morning coffee with a newspaper after he finishes his morning walk.
"Good morning. Don't be late to college. Get ready and leave early"
His focus was still on the headlines.
" Ok Appa, I will get ready"
And I went back to my room.
My father is tad bit strict one in our house. He doesn't show much affection through actions or words but he loves all of us. He has provided all the best things and facilities all the time for us. Since his field of work involves too much tensions he looses control sometimes, but its ok.... Not everyone is perfect and its human tendency to get angry sometimes.
I went to my room and got ready with my uniform and things and joined others on dining table. Once done with breakfast, I went to catch my bus for my college. Shrey will be dropped to his tuitions by Appa since they share common path.

Around 8.30 my bus was in front of me and within 8.45, I was inside my classroom. I am currently in 3rd year BSc, by next year I will be done with my degree studies and my dream is to study Chemistry in post graduations. I have always wanted to work in DFRL or ONGC. Ever since I started studying chemistry in my pre-university classes, the subject attracts me and I decided to have a future in this field.

I just entered the classroom and my best friend was already busy sulking in the corner. One more important character in my life is my best friend Priyanka Prabhu, actually she is the only best friend I could manage to have in all these years. She is my maternal cousin, so we are together since diaper days.
"Fought with Samay again?"
I asked with an extra bored expression and she nodded.
Samay Pai, my dear Pri's boyfriend. They are in a relationship for last two years and I am usually the peacemaker in this relationship. Whenever they fight, Pri comes to me with complaints and Samay comes with chocolates begging for help. So me being a sweet and innocent girl, help these poor souls to maintain their relationship. Its kind of social service by my side.
"What's the reason this time?"
I began my usual interrogation process.
" He was late for yesterday's movie date. You know... I was waiting for 10 long minutes alone. He doesn't take me seriously Nidhu, he started ignoring me..."
" 10 minutes Pri...... There is dangerous traffic in our city and probably he was struck somewhere. He loves you a lot Pri. Don't be so hard on him. Did he apologize?"
She nodded.
" Then you should forgive him. I am sure he will learn his lessons. I will personally scold him if he commits any other mistakes."
" If you say so"
She replied with a smile.

I went to Samay who was waiting for the end of my counseling session and asked him to join us. He was still not sure if she has calmed down or not, so he raised a brow.
"All clear"
I mumbled and he replied with a thank you.

Next day my chocolates were neatly placed in my desk according to our unsaid rule. Though their silly fights were benefiting me, I always wished they don't have a serious fight. Since both the families were ok with their relationship my major concern was these two monkeys creating problems in their own relationship.

Since we are in final year we didn't have much free time. Days were filled with classes and assignments. But me being a studious student loved my time with books. From my kindergarten days to till date, I loved studying and I've always tried to get best results in every exam so my parents can be proud of me and I can reduce their burden of my education fees.

We are one of those middle class family that struggle to have all good things within our budget. Even in such case my family never compromised with any important things in my life. In this costly world, providing good education to both of us is really a hard task for my parents. So whenever I can help them with something, I will do it without hesitation.

Appa always wanted Shrey to be a Civil Engineer. But my lazy bug brother struggles to clear every exam in his life. So with a hope of improvement we made him join tuition classes. I just hope he takes studies bit seriously since Appa has high hopes for him.

Hope you found Shrinidhi interesting. To know more about her, stay tuned.

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