Chapter 15

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Though it’s been almost 5 months to our marriage, we both haven’t really moved forward in case of physical intimacy. It’s normal in an arranged marriage and also she is just 22 and such things need time. So I never really discussed these things with her. But she is too beautiful for me to keep my hands for myself….. I do get jealous when others stare at her for longer time.
Even during the wedding we attended she was being noticed by everyone. I had to keep my beautiful wife from all the predating eyes. My cousins kept teasing us both and she was blushing beautifully.

We returned home and my parents had to travel back to Chamrajnagar on the same day. Later at night we ordered food as we both were lazy. My exam duties were almost done and our college reopen was in 5 days. So I decided to take her on a short trip to Madikeri.

I asked her to pack our bags and she shot me a questioning glance.  
“We’re going to Madikeri. So we need to pack our luggage”
“Do you have some work there or are we attending any function or something?”
Oh my innocent wifey…
“No Nidhi. We’re going on a trip. If not for these evaluation duty, I would have taken you somewhere else. But now we don’t have much time, so let’s settle for Madikeri this time”
“You mean we are going to stay there and roam around????”
“That’s what is called as vacation trip if I’m not wrong”
“Thank you so much Chiru.... It’s my first time traveling somewhere other than Mysore.”
She hugged me dropping all the clothes in her hand that she was supposed to place in the luggage bag. Her excitement was clearly visible and she called me Chiru for the first time. Good going…
“Don’t worry. I’ll take you out whenever I can. I can’t say I’ll take you around the world, but I’ll try my level best to show you India at least.”
I said as I caressed her hair.
“Thank you so much. You’re the best”
She went ahead to pack. It took her around 3 hours to pack for a 3 days trip.

She constantly kept asking me for my opinion and I was more than happy to say yes or no. It felt good to know she is trying to open up and live comfortably with me. We decided to sleep early since we were leaving early.

Next day we left early in the morning in my car.
“Nidhi you know how to drive?”
“Yeah, in my dream I was driving express train too.”
She stuck her tongue out.
“Good joke. But you need to learn driving. How about I teach you?”
“Please…. I don’t want to claim insurance for our car this soon. Let me check some driving class. May be I can attend classes in next sem break.”
“ Fine.”

She turned on the music system and kept humming the song, so I won’t be bored during the journey. We reached there at around 10. We checked in to our resort cottage and freshened up.
“You want to rest or ?”
“No lets go out. We have life time to rest. Please”
She answered even before I could complete my question.
“ok fine”

We visited Talacauvery and Abbi falls and went to some other temples on the way. By the end of the day we both were tired and decided to sleep after the dinner.

Next day we explored coffee plantations, Dubaare elephant camp and Chelavara falls. We witnessed a serene sunset at Raja seat and it was one of the best visuals in the world. For the first time it felt like she was living her dreams. Her ear to ear smile was contagious. It makes me feel like I should take her to every possible places in the world. I could just stand next to her and see her smile all day without getting bored.


Two days in Madikeri felt like I’m living in heaven. The chilly weather, the lush greenery, delicious food and company like Chiranth…. What else can I ask for blessing?
I always had prejudice against arranged marriages, because I have seen my mother and all my cousins being submissive to their husband’s commands. Even my own father never really thought having vacations or going out with family was necessary. But now my opinions about marriage has changed completely….

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