Chapter 7

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When Amma showed her photo I was surprised, because I clearly remember how she wanted to perceive her dreams. So I was confused if she is being forced for this. I do have a responsibility to stop them if they are actually forcing her. So I decided to meet her and her family.

Her shock was clearly visible when she saw me at her house. But when she told me about the situation my doubts were increasing. I felt good when I got to know she isn't being forced. I won't lie when I say I liked her. The first time I had seen her in her college fest when I went there as in charge of students from my college, she did leave an impression in my mind that day.

Once I joined JSS, I got to know more about her. Her determination towards her dream was something that I would really like to appreciate. She would mingle with everyone but she was usually talkative with only one girl as I have observed. Talking to her today was entirely different from the conversation I had with her till now. I just hope she makes her decision on her own rather than any other pressure.


I badly wanted to talk to Pri about all these. But all my calls were directed to voicemail. So I decided to drop a message.
" Emergency : Call me as soon as possible"

Though I had sent the message I knew I had to wait for two more day for her reply. I was in my room thinking about the decisions I had to make. While I was extremely busy calculating the pros and cons of my answers I heard Amma asking me to join for dinner.
Dinner went rather silently. When I came back to my room, my phone had a message from Pri saying she will meet me tomorrow.

Next day she came home early and asked permission to take me out. Amma agreed instantly since Appa wasn't at home. She took me to a café nearby and we settled for a cappuccino.

"You were supposed to come back tomorrow right? How come you're early?"
I asked as I stirred my coffee.
" My parents had some important work here, so we came back. Leave that matter...What happened in these 4 days that you sent me such message? I was worried about you idiot"
She scoffed at me.
" Situation was bit out of hand. So I had to take a drastic step. I am in a highly confused state and I badly want help"
" Ok.... Elaborate"
" My father wanted me to meet someone and I agreed"
" This someone is definitely a HE?"
I nodded.
" Ok. What happened next?"
" I met him and his family yesterday. Now I need to answer them with yes or no. I am really confused"
" That's quite early since you met him only once. But keeping it aside... How is he? Handsome? Well settled? How's his family? What did you guys talk?"
Her questions went on like bullet train.

"Calm down Pri. I need time to answer all your questions. So I will answer one by one"
She nodded with excitement.
" He is really good looking. His family is good too. He works as a professor and we did talk somethings"
" Oh shit.. I forgot to ask his name".
" Chiranth Rao"
" Nice name. Where does he work?"
I'm hundred percent sure her tube light is yet to be switched on.

" JSS college Mysore."
" Our college???? But we don't have any Chiranth other than the one in your department.... Don't tell me it's the same one? "
The expression she had now on her face was priceless.
" Its exactly the same one."
" What the fork Nidhu!!!!!! You're saying that 'The Chiranth Rao' came to meet you as your prospectus groom that too in an arrange marriage proposal????? What kind of serial story is this???? "
" I was equally surprised as you are when I saw him. I literally talked like a senseless person in front of him. I don't know what he might be thinking about me now"
" But jokes apart, What are you going to answer? Your answer will change so many things between both of you. But as a bestie I wish you could say yes to him. You know I have been shipping you since a long time, that's why I didn't like Maya mam next to him"
" I don't know Pri. I feel like he is too good for me. You know.. he is good-looking, brilliant and achieved so much. I don't think I stand a chance"
" Hello miss idiot best friend of mine, let me remind you, You are everything a boy looks forward in his life partner. Stop talking bullshit. You're as good as him. Think on your own, why would he say yes to meet you if he doesn't consider you as someone special? He has already shown interest in you by accepting to meet you. So rather than being a pessimist, think positively about this one."
" Even he said similar things, but still I'm bit scared. What if I can't live up to his expectations? What if he regrets his decision after sometime?"
"Stop your 'what if ' nonsense before I smack your head hard Nidhu. Nothing of that sort will happen. If you decide to stay together then you both can work on your relationship.
But tell me one thing...
Do you have good feelings for him? Do you think you can have a future with him? "
" I don't know Pri. I am still thinking. I haven't thought about anything else with him. But I really enjoy his company. He treats people around him with care and concern. I like him as a person. But I am not sure if I like him as my life partner "
I sincerely spilled the contents of my thoughts.

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