Chapter 19

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I was happily living in my bubble until someone decided to mess it up. Now along with the mental pain, I'm experiencing physical one also. But I didn't want all these to affect my studies or his career, so I decided to be silent rather than make it more mess.

After recovering a bit, I decided to attend classes even though I was unable to note down anything. But when I got ready, I wasn't expecting him to strictly order me to travel with him. I could have managed since I had hurt my hand and not my leg. But no... someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and particularly grumpy since morning.

Even during breakfast, he didn't talk to me much and our journey to college was pin drop silent. Thank god it was only 5 minutes of the agonizing car drive.

I got down the car and waved a bye he just nodded and went to the department.
Ok.... His mood is bad. Let me manage without a smiling Chiru today... Treatment inside classroom was nothing special, everyone looked at me as if I'm one of the most wanted criminals who managed to escape from jail. I didn't bother wasting my time on them.

But before the classes started, I was called to department by our HOD. Ok... Now I need to listen to some more nonsense but in formal language.. Let's get over with it.
"May I get in sir?"
I asked as I stood next to his cabin.
"Please get in"
I went inside the cabin and stood there.
" How's you wound Shrinidhi?"
He asked me with a calm tone.
"It's better today sir."
"Good. But I have to talk to you about somethings Nidhi"
Ok bring it on I'm ready...
"Sure sir."
"Regarding your behavior in lab since few days, we are not particularly happy about it. You're a very good student, but this kind of behavior isn't acceptable. Though you're a family member of faculty, we can't give excuse to your attitude"

Even before I could reply there was a knock at the door.
Oh... we have audience then.
"Come in"
He said.
"Sorry to interrupt sir. But I think I should be here"
No Chiranth.... You shouldn't be here. You should be in your class.. Why are you here?
"Chiranth... I can try to understand, but as a faculty you can't interfere in these matters"
Correct MB sir. Please ask him to go to his class.
"Sure sir. But as guardian of Shrinidhi I think I have few things to discuss with you"
What now...?
"Ok. Have a seat."
And he sat next to me. Suddenly I'm more nervous than my practical exams.

" Chiranth, as her husband you can support her. But as a faculty you need understand that all these things are happening due to her carelessness. We can't tolerate it. I won't talk about your personal matter but I don't want your personal issues disturbing the atmosphere of the college"
"Sure Sir. Even I wouldn't want such things to happen. But as a guardian of Shrinidhi I can assure you about her innocence and I'll make sure she will be serious about her studies. Now as a faculty member I have a request sir."
"Yeah tell me"
"I want all my students and chemistry department faculty members to be present in the seminar hall by today noon. I have some things to speak about my personal and professional life."
"But Chiranth.."
"I insist sir. This will help me solve many problems "
"Ok. I'll inform everyone"
"Thank you sir. I'll leave now"
"Shrinidhi you may leave too"
Oh.. I'm part of this too. I almost thought I didn't exist.
I mumbled a thank you and left the room to catch up with my angry husband.

"What are you planning to do?"
"Get back to your class Shrinidhi. I don't want you to miss your classes"
"Ok sir"
Whenever he calls me with full name it simply means I should understand he is my lecturer and not my husband. I think I need to struggle for real, to calm down my angry bird...

I went back to classroom and inorganic chemistry classes were going on. I sat there and tried to understand what the class was about, but nothing entered my system. I was worried about the announcement that was about to happen any moment.

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