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"Chiru... Ansh.. What are you guys doing? "
I looked at the messy dining table and my two year old toddler covered in his food along with my husband who was busy giving me sheepish grin.

"I think we are eating right Ansh? "
The giant baby spoke while the tiny baby kept blinking.
"Or more like feeding your clothes and dining table? Chiru... it's been two years you became a father and still you can't feed your son decently.. What am I going to do with you? "
"He doesn't like these food Nidhi. That's why he keeps spilling it"

I picked up our son Chiransh from dining table. It's been 2 years we had our baby boy. I'm working for DFRL for past 4 years and now I'm working as head of Q&C section. Chiranth is now the HOD of chemistry department and we shifted to our new house in Mysore.

"What does my baby want then?"
I asked as wiped his mouth.
My baby giggled again looking at my frowned face.
"Don't blame me in this. You passed your chocolate love to him too. Now you need to handle"
My husband complained.

Of course my son looks exactly like my husband and behaves exactly like me. I was obsessed over chocolates when I was pregnant with Ansh. Due to complications I had to undergo C-section and fortunately we both were safe. All my achievements in life felt like nothing the moment we held him in our arms. I still remember the day when he called me Amma for the first time... I was in tears.

Every moment with him is special for us. After my delivery my in-laws shifted to our new house since I was struggling to look after my hyperactive son. My father in-law is now retired and happily spending time with my little munchkin. My mother in-law keeps buying one or other things for him and spoils him like anything.

"Chiru, please clean this mess you both created. You know Atte and Maava won't be here till this weekend. So it's your duty now. I need to give bath to Ansh"
My in-laws went to our Kuladevata temple in Goa. So they will be returning next week. Till then I have to take care of these hyperactive men in my life.

" How about we have a family bath time? You know, we can save time and water"
My husband looks extremely innocent but no.. He's a biggest pervert.
"We have enough time and water. So please do your work Chiru."

I went ahead to give a bath to my giggling baby. Though he plays with everyone in the house, when it comes to bathing and sleep, he has a strict policy of not listening to anyone but me. Chiru and my Atte tried many times to change this habit but failed miserably. After having a happy bath time I dressed him up in his comfy onesie.

I made him sleep on our bed and stayed till he went to deep slumber. Chiru called me and I went out.
"Did he sleep? "
was his first question.
"Yeah. Took me while but still fine. "
"Come lets eat something before he wakes up. He won't let you eat properly later "

True... Since Chiransh came to our lives our lifestyle changed drastically. For the first one year our sleep cycle was extremely weird. Sometimes we would stay awake all night in order to entertain our active son. But then he managed to adapt to normal conditions and now we are fine.

"Nidhi... You need to get ready for the evening. We can't be late "
" Yeah. I'll manage "
We had to attend alumni meet in JSS and as part of celebration they were planning to felicitate me as my research paper during the Junior Research Fellowship got awarded. So we need to get ready.

I freshened up after lunch and ironed my saree. After so many years I finally managed to wear saree on my own and still my husband was extra generous to help me all the time. Even till date I let him select my sarees since he knows what's the best for me.

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