Chapter 9

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She was extremely tired after all the wedding rituals, she could have hurt her neck if she continues to sleep in that uncomfortable position, so I let her lean on my shoulder during the journey. Once we were back home, the Grihapravesh ritual was held.

She became an official part of my family, my life. I have a new responsibility now to take care of her, to protect her, to support her dreams, to love her.....

I went back to room after dinner and she just came out of the washroom and was deep in thoughts already, must be missing her family.
“Yes sir"
“Calm down I'm not taking your attendance now"
“Sorry sir habitual action"
She bit her tongue due to embarrassment. Cute...

“Shrinidhi ..."
“ Sorry sir, I know you have expectations from your wife, but I'm not ready for those things right now. Please try to understand me"
She answered even before I could complete my sentence. I was actually planning to ask her to change into comfortable clothes, since sleeping in saree after such tiring day would be difficult for her. But this girl......

She thought I had plans for tonight which is absolutely a big NO. It's her first day with me and forget about other things, she can hardly look at me and speak fluently. She must be tensed with all the stupid hype about the first night.

“Pardon me, but what kind of expectations should I have from you?"
“You know..... Wife.... Husband ...night...."
She was stammering too badly right now.
“ Please give some rest to your brain. I know today has been hectic for you. I was about to ask you to get changed and sleep well. Nothing of the sort your brain is imagining. Change to something comfortable. I'm sure you can't sleep in those saree and ornaments"
“ok sir"
She started rummaging through her luggage bag and took some clothes and went ahead to change.


After my embarrassing act, I picked a kurti and leggings and changed into it and also removed all the jewelry except my mangalsutra. I walked out of the room and he asked me to sit with him.

“Can we talk?"
He asked me. I nodded as reply.
“Is it ok if I call you Nidhi instead of Shrinidhi, because every time I call you with your full name you automatically start behaving like my student, so to avoid confusions I'll call you Nidhi at home. Is it fine?"
“Yes sir"
“ Can you try to avoid using sir when we are at home please. You're my wife Nidhi, if you keep calling me sir it really gets awkward in front of relatives. At least try to call my name once in a while. Chiranth or Chiru is easy to remember for a girl who can remember organic synthesis and reactions right?"
We both smiled at his words.

“I'll try. But sorry if I embarrass you"
“You should stop asking sorry for things you didn't do. Its ok, all these are new to me too. So we will learn things together ok?"
I nodded with a smile.

“There's an important thing I need to talk to you. It's about your studies. As I have told you earlier, I don't want you to get distracted with anything. Your studies should be your priority always. As your lecturer and husband I can't let you loose your focus. You will continue work hard for you dreams just like you did earlier, but this time you will have me by your side to help and cheer for you"
“Thank you so much for everything you have done to me. I will definitely work hard for my dreams"
“Can I ask you for a favor.... If you don't mind?"
I was really hesitant about this. I don't know what he might think if I ask about this....

“You can freely talk about anything and everything with me Nidhi"
“Can we not disclose our marriage in college please"
I shut my eyes tightly after blurting out and now that I have spoken, I'm scared and embarrassed.
“Can you please look at me rather than closing your eyes. I'm sure I don't look scary"
I blinked my eyes and tried to look at him though practically my confidence has been buried deep under the earth.

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