Chapter 20

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Finally everything was coming back to normal. The problems at college were finally solved and my wife was back to her all smiles phase. September was coming to an end and we celebrated our college annual day. She looked gorgeous in her blue saree.

After her exams came to an end, her internship was about to begin soon. So on a weekend we decided to visit her family in Bangalore before she became busy. Though the relationship between her and her father wasn't so good, she was happy to be with others. We roamed around the city with her family.

Once her internship began, she became extremely busy. Since she was working under one of my seniors, I was bit relieved about her safety. Even during weekends she used to be busy working on her report or something. I started missing our time together.
"Yes Chiru...."
"Can we go out on Sunday?"
"I need to finish up this paper Chiru"
"Can't you do it later?"
"Wow... you're my project guide at college Chiru and you're asking me to postpone my work"
She was laughing.
"As your project guide I have already seen your working well. Now as your husband I need some time with my wife. You're ignoring me all the time because of this project work"
"Awwww..... My husband is jealous"
"It's not jealousy its claiming basic rights of husband"
"Ok fine. If you let me work now, I'll come with you on Sunday. But now you will be a good husband and stay away and let me focus."

Do I have a say... No.... I let her complete her work. Finally we went out on Sunday. Her internship came to an end in December. We celebrated our first anniversary with my family in Chamrajnagar. My parents were badly missing us, so we stayed there till the Christmas vacation ended. After celebrating new year we went back to Mysore as her theory classes were starting from Jan 2nd.


Internship was a great experience for me in industrial field. Unlike the usual labs, we got to know about the advanced lab equipment and techniques. I really wish I could clear GATE, so I could work in any industry related jobs. If not its ok too, since I had cleared NET exams I can apply for research.

Its already an year to our marriage and my life literally took a turn after that. Even though we had confessed to each other, we still wanted to take time for the next step in our married life.
"Let's not hurry "
was my husband's words and I had to agree...

It was February within no time and I attempted GATE exam. My regular courses continued as usual. My project report work was also coming to an end and I felt ultimate happiness when I submitted my project report for final submission in March.

Our theory classes came to an end in March and study holidays were beginning from April. I started to study seriously as I'll be writing my last set of papers.

But due to excess stress my hormones were highly imbalanced and I was experiencing worst levels of PMS from past few months. Sometimes I would cry without reasons and Chiru would get me chocolates or ice-cream to calm me down. Even for the silliest issues I would argue but fortunately my husband didn't complain, instead understood me and consoled me.

I was busy with some thoughts and forgot that I didn't have any spare clothes to change after freshening up at night. All my nightwear were still drying since I forgot to do laundry properly.

God.. What do I wear now...?
Since Chiranth was busy with some calls he was outside, I sneaked into room and checked wardrobe to find something to wear. Finally I managed to find one of his T-shirt and a knee length shorts. Anyways... its better than wearing nothing and wearing husbands clothes isn't a bad idea.

Since he was busy with his calls, he asked me to have dinner and continue my revision. So I had my dinner alone and sat down for revision in study room. After finishing dinner he came to check on me.
"What are you wearing Nidhi?"
He was shocked to see me in his clothes.
"Oh.. all my clothes are still damp. I forgot laundry for two days. This was the only comfortable thing I found in wardrobe"
He came and sat on the opposite side of study table.
"Ok. Did you finish that question paper? Found anything you want me to clarify?"
Actually I found everything needed, but if I say so he will get busy with his works and I didn't want him to leave.

"I tried but didn't find all of these"
I showed some of the questions.
"Ok. Where's the notes?"
"My bag. It's behind you"
He started explaining the things in notes and I didn't bother listening to what he spoke. I was happily staring at his face and studying his facial features than the subject he was teaching. No wonder entire college is jealous of me...

I said hmm without even thinking.
"Your subjects are in the notes and not on my face"
But your face looks more interesting than chemistry.
"Am I that distracting?"
"You have no idea"
I murmured to myself.
"Looks like we have to work on your concentration"
I nodded like an idiot.
"Come here"
He signaled me to come near to him.

Of course I'm more than willing to be next to him. I'm craving for him more than chocolates now..... Urghh my hormones...... and my handsome husband...

When I went to his side he pulled me towards him and I happily landed on his lap. He made me hold my book in my hands.
"Let's see if you can focus on your book now"
Is he serious??? He can't be right???
"Come-on Nidhi. Eyes on books. Read it out."
Is this stupid Electrochemistry important now..? Tchh... My bad luck.

"Conventional Transition State Theory
Crossing of.... Crossing...."
My throat was dry like Sahara desert and I was struggling to balance body weight when his hands encircled my waist. He kissed my neck and moved to my shoulder. His xl size T-shirt hanging on my petite body wasn't a big help.

"Continue Nidhi. Focus on your notes"
I was loosing my senses as his kisses trailed down my neck towards my collarbone and his fingers started circles around my navel. My toes were curling on its own and I unknowingly leaned back give him full access to his crimes.

When he carelessly bit my neck and licked the spot, my notes found its way to ground floor and a faint moan escaped from my mouth.
"You're making me insane Nidhi."
He whispered seductively in my ear and oh god... my nervous system was nervous about his next move.
"I know you're loving this Nidhi. I am holding back myself but you're testing my self control"

Rules are meant to be broken Chiru.
I don't mind you becoming a bad boy.....

I couldn't restrain myself anymore. I turned back and leaned to his face and placed my lips on his. He didn't even waste a second to respond. My fingers found its way to his silky hair as he continued to kiss me slowly. I pulled him towards myself while he supported my bodyweight holding my waist pressed to his body making me more needy.

Initially it began as an innocent kiss until his tongue slipped into my mouth. I was literally straddling on his lap right now unbothered about anything in this world.
Our teeth and tongue gently clashed with each other but who gives a damn..

I'm so lost in the sensation that I can't even keep my thoughts straight. The air supply in our body was being hindered because of our feverish kissing.

I decided to break the kiss and breath for sometime, but he started placing tiny kisses on my jaw and neck. I'm madly and badly in need of his touches and kisses. He pecked my lips multiple times without actually kissing or by kissing corners of my lips making me mad.

Finally he decided to kiss me on my lips and this time it was more gentle and loving. Our make out session continued for few more minutes till we finally broke apart. His touch still lingered on my lips as he traced my lips with his thumb.
"I'm all yours always. But now the exams should be your priority. So..."
"Shh..I don't want to listen to anything right now."

I just hugged him and we remained in same position till I dozed off. Next day morning I found myself on his chest in our bed.

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving,
But like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living"

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