Chapter 14

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Thank god all my exams are done and dusted. Now I can happily sleep well without any worries. He still had to complete evaluation duties. So probably I would end up being jobless till he is busy.

"You'll be bored here since I won't be home. Is it ok if I drop you at my father's place? Amma will be very happy to have you there. You can go out with her than sitting here."
He said during our Sunday breakfast time.
"Who'll take care of you here if I leave?"
"I'm staying here since my graduation days Nidhi. I can manage. If you stay here you'll be bored, so stay there. Actually I wanted to take you out on vacation but this evaluation duty and things are keeping me busy. I'll try to finish things early and join you there"
"Ok. But don't skip food and sleep"
"Ok mam. Anything else?"
"Don't call Maya mam also"
He laughed at my silly warning.

"Maya is not even my good friend. She is Harshith's friend. I don't even know how this rumor was created"
"Pri told me about it. Students saw you both together many times"
"Then Harshith was also with us. Don't worry I don't have any interest about anyone other than you."

We both laughed and completed our breakfast. Next I packed my luggage for my stay in my in-laws place. Actually my Atte has been calling me every single day to ask about my day, health and other things. She had already ordered me to come home once my vacation starts.

He dropped me there and went back to Mysore, since he had to be early on the next day. Staying in my in-laws place is the best decision to be honest. My Atte is really a loving and caring mother. She didn't let me get up early or do any house chores. We went out to different places almost everyday. Spending time with her was more like spending time with Pri. Since my father in law was busy working, we both spent our lovely time together to ease our boredom.

It's already been 5 days that I'm in Chamrajnagar home. I finished my finger licking dinner and plopped on my bed listening to music and I received a call from my husband.

"Too busy enjoying with in-laws? You almost forgot me"
He started whining over the phone call as if we didn't talk daily.
"Yeah. I am a busy person you know. Today we went to shopping and had lot of fun."
"Don't try to make me feel jealous. I'm already missing you badly"
"Who said I would be bored there so I should be here? Enjoy your freedom"
I was enjoying his misery.
"Anyways your enjoying right?"
"Yeah but I miss you too. When are you coming here?"
"May be in 3 days or something. This evaluation thing is eating me up"
"Hmmmm. Had your dinner?"
"Having right now. What about you?"
"Had early. Now I'm in room"
"Ok. Sleep well. I'll call you tomorrow"
"Ok. You too take care. Good night"
and we hanged up the call.

I do miss him, staying here is fun but staying with him is still the best. Its been 5 months that we are married and I have grown so much attached to his company. I miss cooking and cleaning with him, I miss going out with him and I can't sleep well now because I usually sleep in his arms. God...... This man has become center of my universe.

Next day I was in kitchen with Atte, helping her in kneading dough for chapati for dinner and lost in thoughts of my handsome husband.
"Looks like my daughter in law is in her dreamland romancing with my son"
My father in law spoke as he picked a water bottle from fridge.
"Why are you teasing that poor girl now? Its normal for newly married couple to miss each other. I bet Chiru is missing her too"
My mother in law was not even helping me.

"Don't worry Nidhi, we are going to Mysore tomorrow"
I couldn't control my excitement and willingly became laughing stock to them. Someone please award me with slow claps.

"Calm down Nidhi. Yes we are going tomorrow. We don't want to separate you love birds. We have to attend a wedding in Mysore day after tomorrow. So we are leaving tomorrow. Pack your bags after dinner. We will leave at 10 from here and don't tell him. Let's keep it as a surprise."
My mother in law spoke controlling her laughter. I was in confusion whether or not to tell him during our call. Surprising him looked like a good idea but what if he gets angry that I didn't inform early....

I tried to hide my excitement during our call at night and spoke normally. He kept saying he misses me. I think its good to keep this news as a surprise then.

Next day we reached our apartment at 11.30 in the morning. As expected he wasn't at home since he had duty. I had the spare keys so I opened the door and everything looked really clean. The very scent of his deodorant made me feel home. I asked Atte and Maava to rest in guest room while I prepare lunch. We had our lunch and I unpacked my luggage.

In the evening he finally came back home. He was surprised to see me and suddenly hugged me. I was also happy to see him so I hugged him back.
"Why didn't you tell me you will come back? Did you travel alone?"
He asked me without breaking the hug.
"It was your surprise Chiru and we didn't let your wife travel alone, don't worry"
My Atte and Maava came out of the guest room and damn..... It's highly embarrassing now. I moved out of the hug.
"I'll get the coffee"
And I found my escape route to kitchen.

Three of them were talking in the living room while I prepared coffee. After coffee he freshened up and at night we went out for dinner.

"Thank you for coming back early. I missed you badly"
He said as we got ready to sleep.
"Why are you thanking me for coming back to my own home? I missed you too so I came back"
"Whatever it is.. I'm happy, now I can sleep peacefully"
He said as he hugged me in bed.
"You're free tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow is sunday right...I think I'm free. Is there anything you want to do?"
He asked me.
"We need to attend a wedding with Atte and Maava. You know we hardly attend any family functions."
"Ok. Fine. As you say."
We finally slept well in each others embrace. Next day I woke up late because I haven't had such good sleep in past week. But when I glanced at the clock it was already 9.

I quickly detangled myself from his arms and ran to freshen up. When I went to kitchen Atte was already preparing our breakfast.
"Sorry Atte. I overslept"
I mumbled as I walked next to her.
"Its ok Nidhi. I can understand. Have your coffee. Wake him up too..."

I walked with our coffee to our room.
I nudged him to wake up but he was still yawning.
"Wake up already. Its past 9."
"Really? Feels like I slept two hours ago."
"You slept long enough. Now freshen up and have your coffee."
I placed his coffee and went back to kitchen after finishing mine. Finally all four of us had our breakfast together. My in laws left early for the wedding and asked us to join later.

I was confident about my saree draping skills when I picked up a blue zari sari but once the pleating work started everything went out of control. The more cautiously I started pleating the more mess it turned out.

He walked in as I had forgot to lock the door and saw me wrestling with the saree.
"If you continue this, then we won't be able to reach the venue. Come I'll help"
He picked the saree part and started pleating perfectly. He asked me for safety pins and he pinned it correctly unlike me. Then he tucked the excess part on the front to my waist.

When his fingers came in contact with my bare waist, the entire zoo in my tummy started doing all kinds of circus. He looked at me and I couldn't even look at him without being embarrassed.

Next he picked up the pallu part and started pleating and pinned it to my blouse. When he made me look at the mirror it looked perfect. He kissed by shoulder and hugged me from behind. "Can we skip attending that wedding?"
He whispered in my ears and his lips clearly brushed my earlobe.
This is the first time our proximity started bothering me. Sleeping next to him was easier than this. My throat felt really dry and I managed to mumble a please.

"I really don't want to let you go. I can't let any man ogle at you when you look this gorgeous."
His tone screamed something that made my mind go haywire.
"Chiranth.....we're getting late"
I almost whispered.
He finally set me free and let me get ready. I was still struggling with my wobbly legs and picked some jewelries and finished getting ready with light make up. He got me some jasmine flowers that Atte had kept for me and helped me tuck it in my braid and we left to the wedding venue.

"Because of you I can
feel myself slowly
but surely becoming the me I have always dreamed of

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