Chapter 17

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Married life was blissful with Chiranth. Our sweet time together was moving quickly and the bond between us grew stronger each day. We both attended Pri and Samay's engagement. Since it was a small family function only important guests were present and we had a great family time. Unfortunately my family couldn't join because of Shrey's classes.

My birthday was on August 10th and when I opened my eyes early in the morning I had Ajji, Amma and Shrey at my door. I was shell shocked to see them.
"I'm not dreaming?"
I asked my husband who's grinning looking at me.
"Of course not"
He replied with a smile.
I ran out of my bed to hug Amma and Ajji. Its been a long time that I had seen them. Even during my vacation I couldn't visit them.

"Happy Birthday Nidhu. May god bless you Putta"
Amma kissed my forehead.
"Happy Birthday my Nidhu. May you get more chocolates from your husband daily"
That's like my Ajji.
"Happy Birthday bookworm"
Shrey..... Well that creature never changed.
"When did you all come?"
"You were sleeping like log. How would you know? Thank God Bhaava is observant unlike you."
"Shut up Shrey"
"Chiranth arranged cab since he couldn't come to pick us. He wanted you to celebrate your birthday with us. So he talked to your Appa and now we are here"
Ajji told me the behind scene details.
"Your Appa wanted to join. But he was busy..."
Amma.. You don't have to cover it. I know he wouldn't mind if its my birthday or not. Even when I stayed home my birthday wasn't something special to him. Only thing mattered to him was Shrey...

"Freshen up I'll make your favorite masal dosa for breakfast."
Amma said and everyone walked out of the room leaving me and my husband in the room.
"Thank you so much"
I don't know how the water tap in my eyes started leaking.
"I didn't call them here to see you crying. Go and freshen up. They will be waiting for us for breakfast"
I nodded and went to check for a dress to wear for today. I found a gift wrapped box in the wardrobe.
"Wear that today, please"
He said leaning to the bedroom door.
I nodded and opened the gift wrap. It was a sky blue crop top with navy blue skirt. I already loved it.

I quickly freshened up and changed into the dress. I picked up some good jhumkas and applied light makeup on my face. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around my waist making me gasp for a second.
"You look gorgeous Nidhi and Happy Birthday"
He whispered in my ear as he made me wear a gold chain round my neck. The heart shaped pendent in it which had our initials CS engraved on it.
"Thank you so much. You look good too"
He was wearing the same shirt I gifted him.
"I was planning to take you out. But now I feel like I want you for myself"
His chin perfectly rested on my shoulder.
"Then why did you call them? Now you don't have that chance"
I laughed at my whiny husband.
"True. But my wife's smile is more important. I know you missed them too much, so I decided to give you a little surprise"
"This isn't little Chiru. You made my day very special. Thank you so much"
I kissed his cheek.

Someone cleared their throat outside our door and we suddenly shifted our position to look normal.
"As much as I want to see you both romancing, your favorite masal dosa doesn't taste good when it's cold. So continue your lovely time after breakfast"
Ajji was laughing at us.
"I think breakfast is important too"
He said.
"Yeah. I think so too"
We both walked out and had breakfast with others.

"Nidhu we got you something for your birthday "
Amma handed me a gift box. It was a gold bracelet .
"Amma... Why did you spend so much?"
I didn't want them to spend so much on me. Even if they had given me a chocolate bar I would have been more than happy.
" Nidhu. This is from me and your Amma. You still have us. Remember that putta."
"But Ajji.."
"Akka you have me also. See... I got you new watch from my savings. So whenever you check time you'll remember me "
My little Shrey has grown up so much.
"Appa gave you pocket money to spend on yourself Shrey. You don't have to spend it on me"
"Akka... You said I'm grown up right? Then I should act like a responsible brother right?"
"God... You people are making me cry badly today..."
I was tearing up and soon I was engulfed in a group hug by my family.

Rest of the day went well with all outing and shopping. This is the best birthday I have celebrated in my life. Even Pri, Samay and my in-laws called to wish me. Amma, Ajji and Shrey went back to Bangalore as Shrey had classes next day.

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