Chapter 13

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I woke up listening to peaceful heartbeats unlike my usual alarm tune and I realized that I was sleeping on my husband's chest hugging him as if my life depends on it. To be true now my life entirely depends on him.....

Strangely I'm very much comfortable around him at this moment. I didn't mind being in his arms, in fact I wanted this badly right now. Last night after my emotional breakdown he held me tight in his embrace. That made me feel safe and secure.

My handsome husband was sleeping peacefully and I felt lucky to be with him. May be the whole thing was planned because my destiny wanted me to be happy in my life.....

"Slept well?"
He asked me as he woke up.
I nodded as a reply.
"Don't think about anything else. Freshen up I'll get you some coffee."
He kissed my forehead and got up from the bed. I smiled at him and got up to freshened up. He gave me my coffee and we finished our coffee in silence. When he went to freshen up I prepared our breakfast. He joined me for breakfast.

He called me as he finished his breakfast.
"Sorry... Last night I was an emotional wreck."
I fidgeted with my spoon.
"Thank god you spoke about it. I was scared when you were silent since we came back. Nidhi... Always remember, you're living your life for yourself. So someone else's opinion doesn't matter. If someone is happy about you, then be happy about it. If someone isn't pleased about your life, then don't give a damn about it. At the end of the day your happiness matters. I know you have lived in a family where elders decided everything for you. You might have felt betrayed at some point of time...
It's ok. It's just a part of your life. You still have a long way to go. So put your past behind and start enjoying what you have. I may not be a perfect life partner for you. Some of my habits and actions might not go well with you. So I want you to let me know about your likes and dislikes in everything. You don't have any compulsions here. Your opinions matter equally as mine. So please never hesitate in letting me know your opinion."

I was drop dead silent after I heard what he said. These were things that I wanted to hear from my life partner, but when I heard it felt like I'm dreaming.

"Did I bore you with too many words?"
He held my hand and I came back to reality.
"No... Thank you for being so understanding. I don't know how I ended up with so much luck on this part of my life. I'll try my level best to live up to your expectations"
"You don't have to live up to anyone's expectations Nidhi. You need to live for your happiness and dreams. I just want to be a part of it that's all. Never think you're alone. I'm always here with you. In your happiness and sorrow, success and failures everything that's concerned to you.... I'm with you."

I felt really good after listening to what he said. I wasn't expecting this when I said ok to my marriage. I knew he is a good person but right now I am really happy that I said yes to this man. Fairytales may not be true but somehow I ended up finding a prince for myself.


She went to library after breakfast to collect some books. I was free so I finished preparing lunch and did all the laundry work. When she came back we both had lunch and watched a movie as I insisted giving some rest to our brain. I started preparing for NET exams in upcoming June while she prepared for her semesters.

After dinner I wished her goodnight and went to my room. After sometime I heard knocks on my door and when I opened the door she stood there with a pillow and blanket. I shot her a questioning glance.
"Can I sleep with you?"

I was shocked for a second before I realized the meaning of the sentence.
"I mean can I sleep beside you in your room.. I meant only sleeping. I didn't mean....Urghh... I didn't mean what you are thinking"

She hid her face behind the pillow after she blurted it out.
"How do you know what I was thinking?"
I asked her as she peeked from her pillow.
"Then you didn't think of anything else ?"
"I didn't say anything"
"You're playing with me. I will go back to my room"
She stomped her feet and moved towards her room.

"Nidhi... I'm sorry. I was just kidding. You can sleep in our room. You don't have to ask permission. Its your room too."
She didn't talk to me and went ahead to sleep on the other side of the bed in our room.

"Sorry Nidhi.... I was just casually joking"
I tried cajoling my angry wife..
"Then tell me you didn't think of it?"
She turned to me and asked with a stern face.
"I may have.... Just for a split second, not more than that"
I scratched my neck.
"See.... You are not innocent like you look. You think of such things too."
"Is it bad if I think about such things with my wife, Nidhi?"
I asked with an innocent face and she was badly blushing.

"You.. You don't talk to me."
She tried to act stern even when her shyness was betraying her.
"So whom should I talk? Maya mam?"
"I'll break her leg along with yours if you ever do that"
Ohhho someone is jealous...
She turned her back to me and covered herself with blanket.
"I'll never think of any other girl in my life Nidhi. You'll forever be the only one in my life"
I whispered in her ear and hugged her tightly. I could feel her smiling as she drifted to sleep. I slept peacefully having her in my arms.

From next day her exams started and she was busy all the time. I had exam duties so I was busy with my work. When all of her theory exams finished it was already end of April.

Her practical exams were pending. I was in charge of their physical chemistry practical, so I was their internal examiner on her exam day. The external examiner was from Sharada Vilas college. Usually the viva part is carried out by external examiners and we, internal faculty do not have much say in it.

After the completion of experiments students had to attend the viva. Since Nidhi was last one in her batch she went for the viva at the end.

She didn't return for a long time so I thought of checking on her. The examiner Harsha who was once my colleague in university college was asking her all kinds of necessary and unnecessary questions continuously.

"Done with viva Shrinidhi?"
I asked her as I walked in.
She shook her head slightly and I understood the situation.
"She is a brilliant student Chiranth. I'm sure you can expect a rank"
He spoke as he eyed on my wife.
"Definitely we are expecting a rank. I think she still needs to complete her calculation part. Did you finish the graph Shrinidhi?"
I asked her.
"No sir"
She replied.
"Oh... Go ahead, complete your work"
He finally let her go.
"Ms. Shrinidhi Hegde... Nice..."
He said as he signed her record book.
"It's actually Mrs. Shrinidhi now. She's married"
I replied with a stern tone.
"Oh.. Sorry I didn't know"
Now you know please back off....

I returned home a bit late since I had to arrange the papers and had some works in the department. She was already home and prepared coffee for me. There was India vs Australia match going on so I was busy watching it while she freshened up and prepared dinner.

"Go and freshen up, it's already too late"
She screamed from kitchen since it was already 10.
"There's still an over pending. Please."
I replied back. Finally India managed to win the match and I went to freshen up and have dinner. After dinner she picked a movie so we can watch it as it's sunday tomorrow and all her exams were completed.

I sat next to her and she rested her head on my shoulder. Half way through the movie she looked at me and gave me a mischievous smile.

"What happened?"
I asked her with confusion.
"You were jealous today"
She giggled.
"When? And how ?"
"Why did you come to my viva session?"
"Because you were the last one"
"No... Because I took the longest time, also why did you tell him that I'm married?"
"When did you hear that?"
"I was outside the room when you said that."
"Ok.... Fine I admit I felt bit jealous. He was actually trying to hit on you"
"Don't worry I don't mind your jealousy. It's cute"
She kissed my cheek and continued to watch the movie.

The things you make me do, Shrinidhi....
I think I don't mind getting jealous about things related to you too.... But I know you'll be mine even if anyone tries to get your attention.

I kissed her forehead and she snuggled closer to me. When the movie ended she was already asleep and I carried her to our room and we slept on our bed.

"Love is like a flower, you've got to let it grow"
Let's see how love blooms between our cute couple...

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