Chapter 2

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With all the busyness in my academic life, I didn't even realize how quickly my 5th sem went by. Three more months and I will be graduating. My grades were consistently good and my lecturers were expecting a rank from me. Since I was active in both academic and cultural activities, most lecturers were familiar with my face.

Even semester always meant eventful semester. College's annual day, sports day, fests and every such things made our life extra busy along with our studies. Since we were in final year, we had to take the responsibility of arranging the intercollegiate science fest. We formed groups and distributed all the works. Since I was good with words I joined the announcement committee and decided to take up the role of MC in the evening's formal program.

Preparations were on full swing even after having obstacles like internal assessment and lab exams. Finally it was our fest day on Feb 10th. Almost every college we invited were participating and the events we planned were going according to the plan. Towards the end of the day everyone liked the arrangements and events. We received positive feedback from participants. I managed my role quite well and the day came to an end when we announced the champions.

Once all the guests and participants left, we had to stay back and clean up everything. In the hurry burry of cleaning I didn't check the time and my phone was already sleeping tightly because of the dead battery. It was around 7 when Samay and Pri dropped me home. I was a bit scared of my family's reaction since its the first time I was this late.

As soon as I opened the gate and walked in, Shrey gave me a worried look and asked me to take care. That simply meant danger ahead.
I thought of silently walking to my room. But my fate had planned something else for the day.
" Is this the time to come home Nidhi? Do you know how worried we were? I almost thought you ran away with someone. I never thought you were this careless. Girls these days are hopeless.. "
Shaalini aunty, my father's elder sister started throwing her anger on me as soon as I entered.

What a pathetic unwanted guest on this disastrous day! I already had my father who was ready to roast me with his anger and this woman is acting like catalyst to his peak level anger. God...can you please help me get through this day somehow, I promise I will not complain much in future with too many demands. Let's make a deal of mutual help. Please save me this time...

" I am disappointed in you Nidhi. I gave you freedom to study, not to roam around like this in late hours. If you had any conscience in you, at least you would have thought about your family's reputation. I don't know where my parenting went wrong and you started behaving so recklessly. I am questioning my decision of letting you continue your studies. Your actions are creating unnecessary nonsense in this house and I don't appreciate this behavior "
My father spoke with a really harsh tone and I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.

" Stop scolding that kid now. Thank god she is safely back home. Go Nidhu, freshen up and eat something "
My Ajji came and wiped my tears.
" You people spoil her the same way and one day it might encourage her to commit bigger mistakes. I think I should have been more strict, then this wouldn't happen"
" Stop it Shashi, she was just a little bit late and you are talking as if she committed some crime. You're already more than strict with her all the time. You don't allow her to go anywhere with her friends, she isn't allowed to wear anything of her age. Stay thankful to your fortune, you got a lovely daughter like Nidhu. She doesn't spend your money like water instead saves it all the time. Nidhu.. go to your room, your father has lost all his normal working brain cells at this moment "
Ajji defended me and arguments came to an end finally.

I cried whole night thinking about the words my father used. I would never do something that brings disgrace to my family. I never thought of wearing those fashionable clothes because my father doesn't like it. I never asked permission to travel with friends or go for outings since I didn't want my family to be worried about it. Still my smallest mistakes make me look like a criminal all the time. May be I should behave more sensibly next time.

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