Chapter 8

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Though it was a hurried affair, our engagement went smoothly. I talked to her and tried to make her feel comfortable around me. I can understand, she still needed time to adjust and I was happy she was trying.

We exchanged messages now and then but I wanted her to speak to me without formalities, which she found bit difficult even after we got engaged. The way she gets flustered in my presence was really cute. Our feelings towards each other is still growing slowly. I really want this relationship to work and I am willing to give her the time she needs.

Today was her convocation day, I couldn't be there because of work commitments. I thought of taking her out someday to celebrate and also get familiar with her. We knew basic details of each other's likings but I still want to know more about her.

When I was back in my room after the seminar, I checked my phone and there was a message from her. I was excited to see her taking initiative this time. But after reading the message I was anxious.
Marriage within 15 days...... I asked her if I can call since it was already late night, so I wanted to make sure if she is comfortable or not. Fortunately she agreed for the call.

It was actually my first phone call with her after we got engaged and there was an awkward silence after the initial hi hellos. So I decided to take lead and talk to her instead of waiting,
"So... about the marriage, I want to know your opinion, I am fine with anything if you ask me. So tell me about your thoughts. We can talk to our families if its necessary"
I tried to give her the choice of decision.

"My family believes in horoscope and such things since long time. But I don't know if we can handle all these things in 15 days or not. I haven't thought of my marriage till now. So...."
She didn't complete her sentence and I understood her situation.
"Are you scared of adapting to new lifestyle Shrinidhi?"
" Little bit. I haven't stayed away my parents till now. My parents have decided major things of my life always. So I'm not sure if my decisions may cause problem to you in future. I don't want to create any problem in your life"

I can understand her concerns. For a girl who depends on family too much for everything, its not easy to walk out of her house and live with someone who just entered her life. Though I'm not an entire stranger, it wasn't easy for her to accept me in her private space.

"I am well aware of your thoughts. But please try not to think about things in negative way. No human being is perfect, we all learn from our mistakes. If you think living with me would be difficult, then I can assure you it won't be that bad as you're worrying. I may not know you as much as your family but I will make sure you are well fed and taken care all the time.
I will be there with you always, you can share your worries, thoughts, happiness and pain with me. I may not promise you a perfect life but I will try to make it better and never let you regret your decision. But if you want to postpone the wedding its fine too. I can wait for you. I'm with you in every decision of your life. I just want you to trust me a little bit and talk to me some more"
" I do trust you sir"
"I am thankful for that. Now take your time and make your decision. I trust you with your decision"
We hanged up the call after exchanging goodnights.

I talked to my parents about the same thing and they were ok with any decision of mine. If you ask me, then I'm more than willing to accept her in my life. Though its been a short time, I do find her presence in my life very important these days. I may not exactly say I am in love with her, but I can definitely say I like her more now.


Talking to him was helping me clear my mind. I wanted to talk to my parents about my decision so I planned to go to their room. But I heard them talking about something so I didn't want to disturb. But the tone of voices was getting higher as I turned back.

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