Chapter 5

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I was really very happy when I got selected in JSS after I completed my PhD. I've always wanted to work in JSS as it has too many memories of my life right from my degree days to my Masters. So working here was my dream come true. I've stayed in Mysore city in my apartment since my degree days. My parents live in Chamrajnagar as my father Vasudeva Rao, works in MDCC bank as manager.

My parents were happy when I decided to take up teaching as a profession. As my father told me he doesn't mind the profession I choose as long as I'm content with it. According to him job satisfaction matters more than the position. So choosing my career was an easy task for me.

My mother Veena Rao, is a lovely home minister of our sweet home, who recently decided to get busy finding a suitable daughter in law for our family. As soon as I got placed in JSS, she started getting busy with the bride hunt. Since I was ok with her choice I didn't mind it.

Though she was eager to get me married, she didn't force me about anything. That's the best thing about my parents, they always considered my opinion in everything they choose for me. So habitually I ask for their opinion in my decisions too.

Coming back to my life in JSS, its really good. My classes are going well and I don't have much complaints from my students too. Even the faculty members in my department get along well with me. One of my friends, Harshith joined JSS along with me. We were good friends in our Masters though we belong to different streams. He was a M.Com student and right now he is working in Commerce department after his PhD.

I still receive notes and letters of confession indirectly, but this time its better than my PhD days. Back then my desk used to have dozens of it. I don't bother much about these things as I don't want to hurt someone with harsh replies or something. Its college life, so having crush on lecturer is pretty common. I have seen my own classmates doing it while we were students, so rather than making it a big fuss, I choose to ignore it. Sometimes I do read the letters and I find my students funny, poetic and utterly nonsense too.

Since I'm the academic advisor for 1st year students, I try my level best to understand them and their problems. Students are quite welcoming towards my suggestions. I can really expect some great achievements from them in future.

I saw some of the familiar faces in my class, like students from St.Philomena's and Sharada Vilas college, I had been there during their college fests when I worked in university college. Its good to see students who are willing to work hard and perceive their dream in chemistry field which is considered as one of the toughest subjects.

I keep guiding them whenever I find necessary, though they are smart enough. My preparation for NET is going good along with my students. I always believe in combine study techniques since we followed it in our Masters and PhD classes. Life is good right now without much complaints.


Second internals were completed by the end of September. We are now preparing for our lab internals. Labs are quite tricky part of our studies compared to theory. But unlike others I loved lab more than theory classes.

We finished our first lab internals of our PG life and it was quite an experience. Finally after too many trial and error calculations we would submit our papers with a sheepish grin. Everything else was fine other than the viva part. Even if we were confident enough with our answers, nervousness kicks in as soon as we sit in front of our lecturers. Mind automatically switches to its reset mode and words struggle to walk out of throat.

After a real struggle of completing the practical internals we were left with two weeks of class. By this time we were quite close with our lecturers and the campus felt much familiar. Chiranth sir's coaching classes were helping me a lot in understanding concepts required for GATE exam. Since I still had an year to appear for the exam, I thought of slowly preparing for it since Day 1 in JSS and to my luck Chiranth sir was there to help me all the time. Over these 2 months I have learnt many things from him both in terms of academics as well as life.

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