Chapter 12

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When Appa announced about his plans for shifting, I wasn't even surprised, because I knew this day would come soon.

Shrey dragged me to his room to talk.
"Are you really happy with your marriage Akka? Does he order you to do all the work? Does he allow you to go out or is he like Appa? "
His questions were really shocking me.
"when did you become so mature Shrey? You actually wanted me to leave this house so you can enjoy all the attention. What happened suddenly ?"
I laughed at his question.
"I miss you a lot Akka. Life was much better with you. I'm really sorry for irritatating you all these years. I will really miss you a lot"
He started crying.

"Oyee Shrey... Stop crying. I'm still your Akka and you can meet me whenever you want. You got your new phone right? You can call me whenever you want. You can come and meet me when you miss me. You're a grown up boy now."
After successfully consoling him, we both talked about our life.

"Can I join in the conversation too?"
Chiranth sir walked into the room.
"Sure bhava."
My baby brother got so much manners... Not bad.
"So what gossip was going on?"
He asked as he sat next to Shrey.
"I was just asking her to be good to you bhava. She can be really wild and crazy sometimes."
Well.. I was wrong. My nonsense brother was back to his form.

"Says the one who cried saying I'll miss you akka. Changing topics to impress your bhava haa?"
I loving held his ear and twisted with lot of love.
"Ouch....Told you she is wild... Stop it Akka.. You'll tear my ear if you continue"
He was screaming.
"Say sorry"
"Say that you have the best sister"
"Of course I have"
"complete the sentence"
"Akka it really hurts bad. You're the best sister in the whole solar system."
"That's more like it"
I left his ear and he instantly ran towards the door.
"You bookworm.... Continue your romance with your husband. I'll go out. Bhava, I'm leaving this wild cat with you. Take care"
He screamed and went out.
My husband was enjoying the show completely.

"So when someone doesn't listen to you, this is the way you make them admit?"
He asked me with a playful smile.
"No.... Its just Shrey. Don't believe his words. That monkey was crying minutes ago saying he would miss me. As soon as you walked in his whole demeanor changed."
"You both are really cute. I really wish I had a brother like him too"
"Shrey can be an actual headache sometimes but I know he loves me as much as I love him. Maybe irritating each other is our way of showing love"

He was about to speak something but Amma called us for lunch. We had our lunch and I was with Amma and he was playing video games with Shrey. They both bonded really well.

"How's he treating you Nidhu?"
Amma asked me as I laid my head on her lap.
"Much better than what I deserve Amma."
"I'm sorry Putta. I couldn't even stand up for your dreams. I feel like I failed as a mother"
"No Amma. Its not your mistake. Some things can never be changed so we need to let it be than blaming our fate. I got a much better place and loving family after marriage. May be that's what destiny thought for me"
"I know you will be happy with Chiranth. I just wish all your dreams come true Putta. Amma is always proud of you"
I'm holding back my tears because if I spill them out I'm sure I won't be able to handle myself. We had our evening coffee and snacks and decided to head back home.

I talked to some of our neighbors and bid goodbyes to them. My things were packed already and kept in the car when I came back. I hugged Shrey and took blessings from Amma, Appa and Ajji. Then we finally started our journey back home.


She was oddly silent after we came back home. We had our early dinner since she was usually studying at night.
" Nidhi are you alright?"
I asked her as it was really confusing for me to see her so pale.
"I'm fine sir. Just a bit of headache. I'll sleep for sometime. Wake me up later. I need to revise"
And she went to her room. I let her sleep for sometime and decided to wake her up after I completed my revisions. But I heard her sniffles after some time and I walked into her room as the door was ajar.

"Nidhi what happened? Why are you crying?"
I sat next to her but she was sobbing badly but didn't reply anything. I held her hand but she didn't respond. I caressed her back and she suddenly hugged me and cried on my shoulder. I don't know how to console her but I let her be in my embrace. She needed me and I am always here for her.

"Why can't I make him feel proud about me? Why does he look at me like a burden? Why can't he love me like he loves Shrey? Why....."
She spoke with choked sobs.
" It's ok Nidhi. You can't live for other's happiness and approval always. You need to live for yourself. You know you have me right? I'm always proud of you."
"He lied to me Chiranth. He knew about everything... Still he decided to keep it as a secret. He wanted me to get married earlier because he didn't want to spend on me. I always considered his opinion as my priority but he...... He never thought of me Chiranth.
Am I that bad that he couldn't wait to get rid of me? Am I not a good child?"
She was crying badly clutching my shirt. I felt really bad after knowing what she has gone through.

"Shh... Don't cry Nidhi. You're the best daughter anyone can have. I am really really lucky and proud to have you in my life. Don't think of someone who doesn't care, I'm here with you. I promise to love, care and cherish you every single day."
"You'll not think of me as a burden right? You won't leave me like him right?"
Her sobs were making me feel worse. I hugged her tightly.
"I'll never leave you Nidhi. You're my wife and I will always be with you in all your dreams and decisions. I promise you"
She calmed down a bit but her tears were still trickling down her pale cheeks. After sometime I could hear her slow breathing and she had already slept in my arms.

I carefully let her sleep on the bed and when I tried moving she held me tightly and murmured "don't leave"
So I decided to sleep on the same bed and when I lay down she hugged me and placed her head on my chest and I hugged her back and kissed her forehead.

I'm sorry for whatever has happened in your past Nidhi. But I will make sure you will be happy with me from now on. I'll try to fulfill all your dreams and desires with best of my ability. I won't leave you alone any day Nidhi, you mean a lot to me.

Her tears were his weakness but his embrace was her home.
Hope Chiranth becomes the reason for Shrinidhi to smile again...

A surprise update to thank you all for the support❤

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