Chapter 4

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Just like Priyanka, everyone in my class was busy discussing about the new lecturer in the department. I won't say I’m not curious but I’m definitely not obsessed like others. May be this hype will die down once he starts taking classes. I took my notes out and started checking what I had scribbled in last class.

Suddenly the fish market like class became pin drop silent and I thought my lecturer was in the class. But my usual class lecturer was inside the class with our new faculty member.

No wonder girls were drooling over this man. He did have everything that Pri mentioned. It was a rare case in science departments to witness a young lecturer like him. Hope his classes will be as good as his looks.

Our lecturer MB sir who is also the HOD of Chemistry introduced him to the class and informed us that he will take the class now onwards and then he left us with the newbie lecturer.

" I don't know how excited are you to meet me but I’m actually very excited. This is my first class after I completed my PhD so I wish to make it more memorable for both of us. You already know about me from various sources, so it's time for me to know you all.
Just let me know your name and your place. I won't bother you with the marks and ambition part because both can change at any point of time. So is it ok to start from the last bench, since on a usual basis everyone starts with first bench. I know the hardships and happiness of last benchers since I was always a last bencher in this classroom. I think we can begin it"
He spoke too casually compared to other lecturers.

Girls were more than ready to give their entire bio-data even if he didn’t ask, all thanks to his good looks and friendly words. Finally the introduction began. Just like others I also introduced myself. After everyone finished their part he began talking again.

"Of course I won't remember your names in one go but we will work on it slowly. I have few things to discuss other than your current syllabus. I think I will begin with them”
He wrote three words on board with the black marker and turned towards us. It was KSET , NET and GATE
" You have heard these words in your day today college life? "
Everyone nodded in response to his question. Of course we have heard of it since the beginning of our degree classes, our lecturers have spoken about these exams. Even I wanted to try for GATE and NET.

" Good to know you're aware. So I just wanted to know if anyone wants to try any of these? I'm planning to write NET exam in upcoming years so I want someone to study along with me. Trust me, group studies helps in better understanding. So if anyone is interested you can join me while I study here, we can collect materials together and study along with your regular classes.
Of course its not a compulsion, you can say no to me and focus on your main course. If you are actually interested you can let me know"

Great... I wanted someone to discuss about this and finally I got someone for combine studies. Since most of our lecturers are either KSET or NET qualified they informed us to study but no one came up with such ideas. Not bad.... Only a young blood can understand other. I'm definitely joining his classes if he actually decides taking classes. By far my first impression about this man is good.

" Since its your first day with me I don't want to ruin your first impression about me. So if you don't mind I can share my student life experience with you. May not be an interesting plot like a Bollywood movie but definitely not as boring as your 3 page derivations. So want me to share or should I get lost like a decent lecturer? "
He definitely doesn't talk like the regular lecturers do. When everyone literally screamed to talk about his stories, he started talking.

He went on to speak about his MSc life in JSS and his PhD days in Mysore university. He spoke like some Ted talk anchor and his stories were actually funny and interesting. Looking at him nobody would guess he used to be a college bunking student who managed to become university topper in MSc. He is indeed an interesting character in our boring department.

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