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Brian slowly opened his eyes. He raised a hand to scratch his head, immediately feeling the IV needle in his vein resisting it as he groaned. He looked around the room to find Jonathan at the visitor's seat. The moonlight from the window shined on his masked face as his shiny blue eyes blinked at Brian from the holes.

"Hey," Jonathan smiled under his mask and sipped coffee from the thermos cup in hand. He had brought it along cause he knew he was gonna need it.

"Hi,"Brian waved, once again flinching at the needle inside his arm.

"Yeah, don't move. I've been in your condition before. Any wrong move and you could actually fall into a coma again." Jonathan looked down.

Brian smirked and lowered his hand, "Aren't you just the happiest person alive?"

Jonathan didn't answer the sarcastic comment as he sipped more coffee. Afterwards he sighed. "I'm guessing you don't really want me here either."


"We literally have nothing to talk about. I'm a fucking stranger for you. and vice versa. And I'm over here trying to get a caffeine overdose while you're actually trying to socialise with me."

Brian blinked and then laughed. "True story," Jonathan didn't even care his laughter. Unless-

"Haha ow ow! That stings! Hehe..." Yup. Right there.

"Then don't start laughing for no reason!"

"But what you just said was too funny!"

"The harsh truth is funny?" Jonathan raised an eyebrow.

"Apparently," Brian sighed. "Tell me something about yourself then. Like...what's your favorite color?"

Jonathan blinked, "Really."

"Yeah! Also scoot that chair closer while you're at it."

Jonathan sighed and stood up, throwing his bag and thermos cup on the chair, dragging it next to Brian's bed.

"Blue, what about you?"

"Same actually. Maroon blue, if we're going to the details,"

"Navy blue here. Also, you're irish right?"

"Yes, why?"

"Your accent is much more clear and soothing than Nogla's....or Sean's."

"You met Sean too?" Brian grinned.

Jonathan chuckled, "I don't remember half the name's of the people I've already met."

"School is still awesome as ever then."

"To me it is like fucking heaven. You won't believe the school I came from." Jonathan chuckled.

Brian laughed and then groaned at the pain again. Jonathan rolled his eyes.

"Okay, next question. Why DO you wear that mask?" Brian turned serious.

"Oh wow. Straightforward." Jonathan cleared his throat, coughing.

His eyes slightly widened as he saw Brian staring at him, actually waiting for an answer.

"....Because I'm ugly."

"Try me," Brian smirked.

Jonathan blinked at him weirdly. "I won't, thank you very much."

"Aww come on!"

"No. Seriously, the only one whose seen my face are Cry, cause I opened the door to him and forgot to put it on, AND Evan, cause I don't wear it while I'm in my home."

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