I demand an explanation!

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"So...why?" Tyler asked Luke. Them, Craig and Scott were put into the same room, Craig luckily not going through a bigger concussion and being free to walk around the hospital. He went to talk to everyone else who were not let in the room yet for some reason.

"I was part of that gang even then. I felt really bad afterwards, though. So...sorry," Luke sighed.

"It's fine." Tyler rolled his eyes, smiling.

Craig came back, "They're letting each of us only choose one person to let in here. I picked Delirious."

"Hmm...Evan," Tyler said.

"Lui." Scott smiled.

"Brian," Luke nodded.

Craig smiled, "Glad you guys are agreeing on letting him know." He walked out.

A minute later, Craig appeared again with Jonathan, Evan, Lui and Brian.

"How you guys holding up?" Evan asked.

"Bad, thank you for asking," Luke replied sarcastically.

"Again, sorry I dragged you guys into this whole mess..."Jonathan sighed.

"I feel like we were cleaning up our own mess with it anyway, so..." Tyler sighed.

"Oh, you guys wanna tell him?" Lui asked.

"Yup." Craig grinned.

Jonathan's face lit up. He was finally going to know what happened. "I'd like to hear this shizz too," Scott smirked.

"So...we should probably start with you then, Lui." Evan pointed.

"Alright! So...we were all best friends...well, except Luke because he kept disappearing and reappearing in the school."

"Yeah, I'm still a lazy student." Luke chuckled.

"And me and Daithi had a fight one day that was really big. And I basically ran to Marcel after that and he didn't run to anyone, so he was....depressed. And he went out that night and got pummeled by some thugs. It was a lucky thing that Brock was randomly checking his tracker shit the next morning because otherwise we wouldn't have found David at all. So we found him beside the river on the outskirts of town. He was taken to the hospital and then Tyler- being the protective leader he is- started arguing with me for not helping David out. And Craig protected me from him. They left that morning with disagreements." Lui sighed, "Someone else take over.."

"It was my birthday that day, "Luke continued, "and I invited all of these sexy motherfuckers, of course. I had no idea what had happened, either, so I was kind of confused when they told me David couldn't come, but I shrugged it off. It was a big coincidence that on the same day James, your dad, found out about Scott and them. So he thought they might find out something when they're all huddled together. And that's how he decided to break them up, with me helping."

Jonathan frowned.

"I'll go. So apparently at your birthday party you spiked Tyler's drink with some weird drug that makes you aggressive and shit. Well, we didn't know at that time," Craig shrugged. He continued, "But he also said literally everything he disliked about me out at the midst of the rage too. He said I was terrible at GTA!"

"You still are, not gonna lie," Tyler chuckled.

Craig shook his head, "And needless to say, I didn't take it so well. That same night literally everyone started arguing about pointless shit and it seemed so meaningful at that time. The next day we somehow found out Tyler's drink had been spiked and also found out from Luke that he would be put into another school after what happened last night. So that's when we took sides. Tyler wasn't really sorry about what he said, honesty was good every once in a while. Evan, Marcel, Brock and Cody agreed with him. They also agreed on how my dress style was shit."

"It still is, not gonna lie," Evan smirked."

Craig rolled his eyes, "Anyway, yeah. And Arlan, Lui and David agreed with me and that's how we separated. Tyler, why everyone knows about this at school, if you don't mind."

Tyler nodded, "Well, everyone asked in school why we were now in two separate groups and at one point we grew so tired of the questions that we came together and told the whole school. And of course me and Craig still being butthurt fuckboys, we started an all-out school brawl. It was massacre. Brian got pummeled by the bullies during that and that's how he slipped into a coma. They bullies got expelled. We were almost expelled too. And...I guess that's pretty much it."

Jonathan blinked, "That sounds like the most retarded fight ever. You guys KNEW the drink had been spiked! Tyler, why didnt you just apologise?!"

"My pride!"

"Fuck your pride, you lost your best friend that day! And put another friend in a fucking coma!" Jonathan facepalmed. "I honestly thought this was going to be some deep-meaning argument and shit but no, it was just some meaningless quarrel. I'm so done!"

Everyone started laughing.

"That sounds like some grade A guardian angel talk right there," Scott giggled.

"Oh not again," Jonathan groaned between his laughs. Everyone laughed harder.


David stood up from his wheelchair, stumbling a bit but then standing straight and still. "Noice!" he exclaimed, chuckling.

"He can walk! It's a miracle!" Marcel said in a jokey voice.

It was the evening of a Sunday and the 11 were all walking home together, slowly because despite David being able to walk he was still limping.

"Guys," Brock called out, breaking everyone's argument about the new DLC in GTA. They looked at him.

"This was the greatest week ever. Sure, we all got beat up, but it was really fun in the end! And we fucking made up and are the magnificent 10 again!" Brock grinned at Jonathan, him smiling back.

"Yeah, it was fun in the end," Tyler smiled. Everyone agreed and a little silence picked up.

"Wait, we're now the magnificent 11, though," Droidd raised an eyebrow at Brock.

Cody realised what Brock was hinting at before. "Oh yeah! Guys, I'm moving."

Everyone stopped in their tracks and yelled (everyone except Brock). "YOU'RE WHAT?!"

You guys were expecting for something really devastating that made them break up, weren't you?


Ok I'm sorry D:

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