Math is a bitch

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Fuck everything -.-


Marcel walked in the classroom and immediately spotted Lui talking to David and Sean. He walked to them. "Hey!" he greeted.

Lui grinned," Hi Marcel! I saved you a seat."

"Oh wow. Really?" Marcel looked at David. David rolled his eyes. "At least I have Jack here."

Sean/Jack laughed. ((AN.Fuck I don't care anymore.))

"Well okay then!" Marcel sat down. "So what's up?"

"We were talking about the party this Friday." Sean answered. 

"Are you going?" Lui asked Marcel.

"Uhh obviously!" Marcel jokingly snapped.

Brock walked in the clasroom. He blinked at the 4. "What."

"Sorry Brock, you're gonna have to sit alone." Marcel shrugged.

"Aww," Brock chuckled and sat down at the desk behind Lui and Marcel. "What is even going on though?"

"Hey, we have to permanently sit at the same lunch table now anyway so...yeah," David said. Brock nodded at him and took out his phone. "By the way, I heard from Brian."

David, Lui and Marcel immediately turned around and stared at Brock like they were lions and he was a piece of meat. (Well he technically is...ahem. I didn't say anything xD Like seriously, the face reveal was just... God damn)

"You did?"

"Is he doing okay?"

"Did he wake up?"

Brock frowned at the last question and shook his head which lead the three to sigh. "Wait. Brian is still in a coma?" Sean's jaw dropped.

"He was in a coma all summer," Brock looked down.

"I'm sorry," Sean sighed. David smiled at him.

"Well, Brian's dad called me and said that apparently he had a convulsion but he didn't wake up. It happened for a brief second and that was it."

Lui put his hand to his mouth. Marcel gulped. David sighed. "God damnit." he muttered.

Brock smiled, "But he said that he seems to heal at least. They still have hope of him waking up."

The bell rang as a few students ran in. "Aww Jack what?" Felix, the most nicest popular guy in the whole school and the Friday party planner, fake pouted at Sean.

"Sorry bro," Sean laughed slightly. Felix smiled, "Hey guys by the way."

They greeted him back.

"Do we have to tell if we're not coming?" Brock asked him. Felix blinked, "You're not attending?"

"I don't know yet...."

Marcel smirked, "Don't worry, we'll convince him to come."

Felix grinned and took a seat.

The teacher, mr. Aceti walked in. "Hi!" he greeted grinning as he sat down. "Lower Mathematics group, right?"

"Yup!" someone answered.

"Yeah, let's get right to it. We'll revise some stuff and I have like this weird crossword puzzle about mathematical terms here that I got from Mitch. So you can do that in groups of about 4 people in one group?"

"Okay so now we decide if we kick Jack or Brock," Lui whispered.

"Hey!" Sean and Brock whisper-shouted almost simultaneously.

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