Fight me at PAX bruh + Art class

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Tyler silently cheered as the bell rang. The teacher had made them read some old texts that were super boring.

"So our time is done. I will see you all next time!" mr. Fischbach smiled.

Tyler, Jonathan and Craig stood up and left the classroom.

"I have Art, anyone else?" Jonathan asked.

"First Music and now Art. You don't look like one of those creative teenagers who have their mind filled with shit ideas," Craig commented. Jonathan blinked. "I'm not. It's just that Art is easy."

"Well I have Chemistry so sorry," Craig said.

Tyler looked at him, "I have Chemistry too."

They looked at eachother and Jonathan swore he saw the lightning that two people staring at eachother have in animes. "Well uhh...see you later guys," he turned around and walked away. While walking he still heard them.

"We definitely aren't sitting together again."

"Yup. I will ignore you until lunch now. Later, British prick."

"I'm not even technically British, you fucking know this."

For some reason the bickering made Jonathan chuckle.

He turned a corner, having heard from Marcel that Art class was in another wing of the school. Jonathan checked his phone for a second for the time.

"Hey mask freak,"

Jonathan stopped dead in his tracks and looked in front of him. Harley stood there with 3 other guys, all of them smirking.

Jonathan breathed in and put the phone back in his pocket. "Hi, Harry, was it?"

"Harley," he sneered.

"Same thing," Jonathan rolled his eyes.

"So...we never got to get to know eachother better," Harley cracked his knuckles.

Jonathan only now noticed that the hallway he was in was completely empty. The only ones who stood there were him and Harley's clique.

Perfect. No one will see.

"Yeah. How about we do that right now,"Jonathan lifted his mask and revealed a creepy grin.

Harley's face went blank for a second before he smirked again. "Are you seriously thinking about fighting back?"

"Are you seriously thinking about even messing with me?" Jonathan's voice went louder woth each word he said. One of the guys behind Harley actually took a step back. Jonathan grinned again. "So... who's first?"

Harley scoffed. "Damien, get him."

Jonathan assumed that Damien was the weakest. Oooh, he was underestimating him so hard. One guy, skinny but still kinda buff, ran at him. Jonathan smirked and kicked him straight in the face when he was in reach. The guy immediately fell down, blood starting to run from his nose.

Harley raised an eyebrow and looked at Jonathan. Jonathan smiled goofily. Harley growled and walked closer to him. Jonathan raised his fists up.

"Jonathan! Were you Jonathan? Fuck whatever," Jonathan's eyes widened and his arms fell down at the voice he slightly already recognised. He turned around, finding mr. Dahlberg standing there with a dumbfounded look. Behind him stood Lui, who slightly waved.

Harley smirked. "Teacher, he attacked my friend for no reason!" he put on a fake sad and shocked voice. Dahlberg blinked. Jonathan sighed, "Detention, I know."

"Oh no. Harley whatever your name is. Your friend on the ground gets detention," Dahlberg pointed.

Jonathan's eyes widened. "What?" him and Harley said at the same time.

Adam chuckled," I was here like a minute ago. You're lucky I'm not giving all of you detention. Just the one who actually did something. Jonathan, I'm letting you off the hook this time because that was self defense. Don't tell anyone though." 

Jonathan blinked. Harley glared at him and then gave a glance at his friend, 'Damien', Jonathan heard him say before, who was holding his bloody nose. "Well, you have a strong kick I'll give you that." he said.

Jonathan could seriously do nothing but blink at this moment. Everything was so fucking confusing yet again. Harley hit Damien in the back of the head. "Don't praise him for breaking your nose, you moron!"

"Yeah, I'm gonna let that one pass." Dahlberg was still at the end of the hallway staring at the group. Lui walked to Jonathan, "You have Art too?"

Jonathan nodded. "Yay! Let's go!" Lui put on his kid voice again.


"Welcome, I'm Brice. Happy to have another member of the Art crew," the teacher, Brice Purton, smiled at Jonathan. He had blonde spiky hair and shiny blue eyes. He wore a black blouse with yellow sleeves, skinny jeans and regular black converse. He was sitting on a high stool, in the middle of the circle of canvasses.

"Uhh yeah, you're welcome?" Jonathan chuckled. And the whole class let out laughs or snickers or whatever.

"Okay, so. Since it's the start of the year I'm gonna give you something simple. I want you to sketch yourselves as fantasy characters from all those games online. Like League of Legends....that's not an online game," the teacher laughed, "but yeah, I'll be giving you the roles myself. So Lui, you're a warrior."

Lui nodded and grinned.

"Jonathan you're umm...hmm I want to test you. You're going to be a necromancer."

Jonathan's eyes widened. "Oh my god yes thank you!"

Brice chuckled and continued giving the others roles.

Jonathan immediately started sketching on the paper. He drew the head guiding lines.

"So class. Should we let the new guy choose music?"

"Wait what?" Jonathan stopped.

"Brice lets one person choose an artist or band to play as background music." Lui explained.

"Oh. Then you shouldn't pick me. I would pick like, heavy metal bands." Jonathan shook his head.

Brice shrugged, "Alright even though we've had like, Dope on before...So how about Steven?"

"I choose Josh Woodward as always," a guy who had wolf-like mask on, which was not covering his mouth, smiled. ((AN-Josh Woodward is like the best fricking artist ever. He deserves so much more recognition. Go search him up on YT right now. :3))


The bell rang. Lui erased a line and admired his picture. Jonathan took a look. "That's fricking awesome." Lui smiled and took a look at Jonathan's sketch. His jaw almost dropped. "Yours is more awesome."

"Only because I got the best role."

"So, I'll see you next week!" Brice said.

Lui and Jonathan left the classroom. "So what's next?" Lui asked.


Sorry if this chapter is shorter than the others. I wrote this with no special idea in mind again. 

And sorry for any grammar mistakes which I'm sure that there's a lot of them in there. (( BUT NOT ANYMORE ))

And thanks for reading my crappy story.

Scar-san OUT!

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