Mission "Rescue Private Cody" is a GO!

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Ryan (Double) stared in shock as the man dragged Cody away. He completely lost track of time as he only stared as Cody disappeared into a blue van. The van drove off.

"Umm...Ryan," Ryan viciously shook his head as one of his friends, James, brought his attention back to the world around him.

"Whoa, calm down," James raised his hands up in defense. Ryan blinked at him.

James blinked back.

Ryan saw Craig and Jonathan behind James. "I gotta go for a second, sorry!" he ran away from James to them.

"Oh, hey Double," Jonathan smiled under his mask.

"Hi. Uhh..." Ryan caught his breath for a quick moment. "Do you guys know what Cody is doing today?"

Craig raised an eyebrow. "You should ask Brock that. He's the one who usually hangs with him the most. Or Tyler. But not us, that's for sure," he let out a laugh.

"Well, the problem is that Cody got knocked out by some middle aged man and dragged into a blue van."

Jonathan and Craig blinked.

Ryan blinked back, still panicking inside.



David sighed. "What?" Marcel questioned. "Where the heck is Mini?" David grumbled.

"Oh, heh. Don't ask me." Marcel put his phone away.

Craig ran in and stopped in the doorway.

"Well, there he is I guess." Marcel smirked.

Craig gasped for breath, "Guys..."

Both became confused. "Craig, are you okay?" David asked.

"No...Well I am....but Cody's not."

"What." Marcel and David said simultaneously.


"Ey cabron!" Arlan pouted. Tyler chuckled, "I kid, I kid."

Evan rolled his eyes and kept staring at the doorway. Jonathan was supposed to have the same class too.

He smiled when the masked boy appeared but frowned when he saw him in shock and panting.

"Delirious?" he called out.

"You three. To the front of the school. NOW!" he let out big breaths.

"....Why?" Tyler asked.


Brock sat down next to John/Smarty. "Hello,"

"HI!" Smarty almost screamed, earning a laugh from Sean and Felix behind them.

Craig ran in. "Brock! Come with me!"

"Aww, but I just got here," Brock chuckled.

"Don't even joke right now you-" Craig took a deep breath in, "Just fucking follow me."

Brock blinked," Are you okay?"

"No. And you won't be either after you know what's going on."


"WHAT!" everybody screamed.

Ryan cringed. "I'm sorry, that's all I saw."

"I'm gonna KILL Harley!" Tyler growled.

"I'm gonna kill whoever fucking kidnapped Cody!" Brock hissed.

"Okay calm down..." Arlan started but stopped when he earned a death stare from Brock.

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