Off to a good start

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Jonathan never thought he'd be groaning at Master Of Puppets. But since he had chosen the song as his alarm the amazing sound of guitars sounded like hell at this moment. He touched his phone and made everything once again silent.

He yawned and stood up. Luckily his sister wouldn't be hogging the bathroom, since her work starts a bit later today. And by work meaning that she already has to go fly to another goddamn state. Not that Jonathan didn't love the peace. Just the new home. It seemed far more bigger than his old home. Gave off kind of an eerie feeling. This would take some getting used to.

He squinted his eyes as he turned on the light in the bathroom. One quick examine in the mirror. „Yup, still horrible," he said out loud and blinked at himself. He brushed his teeth, somewhat fixed his hair and washed his face.

Sure he was going to wear his mask but his face being all dirty and sweaty under it would be horrible. Thank god he actually got into that school.

He walked out the bathroom and back to his room. He put on a random T-shirt and his favorite blue hoodie over it, leaving it unzipped for now. He put on regular jeans and grabbed his bag. He walked downstairs, checking Twitter and shit like that on his phone.

Jonathan went and ate some cereal quickly before heading out, putting the kinda-hockey-mask-vibe-giving mask on, zipping up the hoodie.

„So the bus stop should be here..." he thought as he stopped near a bench with a yellow bus sign next to it. He had a few minutes to wait. Yawn.

Jonathan looked around and widened his eyes whe he saw two guys, one with a horse mask covering his whole face and the other with some weird white poker face type mask covering his eyes and nose, mouth noticable as he was speaking.

„Eh. I vote Snake storms the tables." Jonathan heard him say as the two stopped near the bench. „Alright." The other's voice was muffled by the mask.

„Also hi." Poker face waved at Jonathan. „Wha!? Oh...hi..." Jonathan looked away.

„You new?"


The guy grinned. „Cool! I'm Ryan and horse face over here is Nick." He pointed.

„Sup," Nick's voice came out muffled again.

Jonathan was a bit suprised at how friendly they were. „I'm Jonathan...."

„Oooooh, fanc-ey," Nick joked.

„Eh, I don't really like it."

„Wha? You serious? Your name is awesome! Unlike mine. Nick is like the most common name out there!"

„And yet there are like what, 2 other Nicks in our school?" Ryan smirked.

„Well....Jonathan goes long from John and John is a pretty common name too..." Jonathan pondered.

„Am I the only one who actually doesn't care that my name is common?" Ryan chuckled a bit.

„Yes." Nick replied.

„Well, what would be an uncommon name then?"

„Hmm..." Nick looked down, the huge snouted horse mask weighing down.

„Like Xavier?" Jonathan shrugged.

„X-MEN!" Nick shouted. And Jonathan couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

A car speeded past, Ryan and Nick waved at the driver. „And that was Evan, he also lives in the neighbourhood." Ryan said. „I know, i've seen him around." Jonathan said.

A yellow bus stopped in front of them. „Hey, you wanna sit with us? You know, in case someone tries to go 'fresh meat' on you." Nick asked. „Uhh...I think I'll be fine." Jonathan raised a hand in slight protest. Both boys 'aww'ed. „Well, see you around anyway." Ryan smiled as they got on.

Jonathan stopped in the front. „Shit, no free seats. Okay...random person.......HIM!" „Umm...can I sit here?" he looked at the guy with fairly messy and kind of curly brown hair and glasses, staring down at his phone.

„Yuuup," he said, not taking his eyes off his phone. Jonathan sat down and the bus started going. Jonathan took a look towards Nick and Ryan in the far back of the bus behind him. Nick raised a thumbs up. Jonathan turned back around and sighed, looking at his feet. And then looking at the other guy's feet.

„Flip-Flops?" Jonathan questioned. „What? They're comfortable," the guy looked at Jonathan and flinched. „Whoa! Mask. Okay," Jonathan blinked.

„Unless you're actually Jason Vorhees," the guy put away his phone. He seemed to have a British sounding accent. Jonathan made a „kchh~" sound. „No, I'm not a fictional serial killer from the 80's. Also, what is that accent?"

„I'm from an asian descent, born in Northern Ireland, brought up in America so my accent is kinda deformed. Don't question it."

„Am I sitting next to a fancy gentleman then?" Jonathan joked.

„I'm wearing beach shoes. What do you think?" the guy giggled. Jonathan also chuckled a bit.

„I'm Craig but people call me Mini," he (finally) introduced himself.


They shook hands.

„Why do they call you Mini though?" Jonathan asked.

„It's part of my gamertag."

„Oh cool!"

Craig smiled, „I guess you fancy your games too,"

„Yup. I would be called Delirious by my gamertag then."



„We're already here?" Craig looked outside as the bus stopped in front of the school.

Both got off. „Hey, can you show me the way to the secretary's office?" Jonathan asked. „Yup! Follow me," Craig smiled and walked into the school, Jonathan following.

Damn. Everybody was so different. Masks, sunglasses, hats, cool headphones, weird necklaces.... space suit looking clothing on? Wow. Jonathan already knew he was going to like it here. The only downside probably being that some girls were wearing really. Slutty. Clothing. If you even call that clothing. It looked that they just walked out of their houses with their undewear.

„Here!" Craig stopped in front of a door. „Thanks," Jonatahan smiled under the mask. „No problem. See you around 'Delirious'," Craig grinned.

„Bye 'Mini',"Jonathan waved slightly as Craig walked away. He knocked on the door.

„Door's open!" a woman's voice was heard.

Jonathan opened the door. „Hi, I'm Jonathan. New kid." He looked at the woman and almost gasped.

She was wearing full-on goth clothing. She even had a lip piercing. Her hair was dark purple and her eyes were dark as she looked at Jonathan for a second and then smiled. „Oh yeah! Jonathan, good. I got your student plan printed out already. Sad thing is the school staff had some mixups with the lockers so I'll catch you up on your locker on hmm, I don't know....Wednesday?"

„O-okay...."Jonathan took the piece of paper that was handed to him. The woman chuckled. „Yeah, the free dresscode thing goes for teachers too," she raised a hand on a side of her pale face and whispered, „your new English teacher wears a pink mustache as a weird gimmick." She brought the hand to her lips, „Oh whoops hehe. Ruined the suprise."

Jonathan blinked," Okay...well thanks."

„Hope you enjoy your new school!"

Jonathan opened the door and looked back. „I already am. Bye."

He smiled as he closed the door and looked at the paper. And then the smile was lost. 

„NOOOO Math as first period!"


Starting up a little slow but I promise shit will happen soon.

Thanks for reading my crappy story.

Scar-san OUT!!!

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