No Freedom

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Hi. I'm back. *confetti flies around* ._.

Anyway, for those of you curious about where I've been for almost a month, go read my new story "The Book of EVERYTHING!!!". The first chapter there is an update about what's been happening in my life.

For those of you who don't give a shit, enjoy another crappy chapter :3

Brian sighed happily as he woke up, not restrained by needles in his arms or a machine beeping next to him annoyingly. He yawned and stood up, scratching his forehead. He hadn't properly showered in what, 4 months?

Brian walked out of Brock's room, him insisting on sleeping there yesterday, and checked the clock in the hallway.

It was 9:29. Brock was already at school. Not sure about his parents, though.

He walked into the living room to find nobody there either. He sighed and walked into the kitchen. No one there either.

He was all alone in the house. It gave him that feeling he had while being stuck in a coma, with no one to talk to or respond. Cornered.

Brian shook his mind of the thoughts and read the note that was on the kitchen table, addressed to him.


I've gone to school. You can help yourself around the kitchen. My mom will come home earlier than I so don't freak out when someone randomly walks in at 2 pm.

Take care :)


Brian almost forgot the nickname he had given Brock. He chuckled but then turned serious. He wanted to make a proper breakfast but either he has probably forgotten how to cook or he's still too weak to do so. His whole body still felt like jelly. It was a miracle that he was standing right now.

So Brian just ate cereal with milk.

Putting the dishes in the dishwasher, he heard the doorbell ring. He raised an eyebrow, wondering who it might be. Probably Brock's mom, who forgot something, including his keys, apparently.

Brian walked to the front door and opened it. His eyes popped wide open.

"Hello, Brian," the same man who was the reason Brian had been in a coma, was at the terrace steps, grinning like a maniac.


"So how is Brian?" Tyler asked.

"I don't know, he was still sleeping when I left." Brock shrugged.

"You probably know that we're now gonna come to your house to see him. All of us," Lui smirked. Brock shook his head, smiling.

Cody and Jonathan, the last ones to arrive to the lunch table, sat down. "Hi," Jonathan said while Cody waved.

"Do you have any plans tonight, you two?" Marcel asked.

"No," Cody shook his head.

"Nope. Why?"

"Because we're ALL hanging at Brock's house tonight!" Marcel grinned.

"'Kay," Cody replied while Jonathan nodded. He took a peek at Evan, who was sitting next to him.

Evan was slowly munching on his sandwich. He immediately noticed the stare, turning towards Jonathan. Jonathan looked away. Evan raised an eyebrow, probably blushing.

"Guys," David got everyone's attention.

"I heard from another class that the Gym teacher was doing hurdles today."

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