Party's over!

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Droidd walked into the room, having agreed to watch out for Jonathan's dad with David, and two other guys.

His eyes widened when he found only two guys in the room one of them being David, huddled in a corner, holding his leg. The other was Jonathan's dad, still passed out on the floor.

"Oh no, what happened?" Droidd ran to David.

"The guys knifed me and then ran off...." David whimpered, holding his bloody leg. Droidd sighed, "Had anyone called the ambulance or police yet?"



"Oh yeah. No."

Droidd rolled his eyes and took out his phone.


The five ran up the last flight of stairs, panting. Tyler stopped for a second, groaning. "Tyler?" Craig looked at him.

"I'm fine...I think."

"You think?" Craig snapped. Evan shook his head at them. Lui and Jonathan looked around to find the entrance to the attic.

"Oh, here!" Lui found a cord, pulling it down, a staircase opening at their eyes.

"Tyler, I think you should really stay back though..." Jonathan frowned at Tyler.

"No! I'm fine!" Tyler argued.

Evan sighed, "Craig, would you stay with him so he doesn't do anything stupid?"

Craig nodded and grabbed Tyler's hand, dragging him away.

Jonathan looked at the other two, "Ready?"

"Nope," Lui squeaked.

"Me neither,"

They walked upstairs into the attic, quietly.

They already heard the muffled groans and a person yelling, "Shut up!"

The attic was only one big room, filled once again with boxes of junk. There was a big stack of boxes where Evan, Lui and Jonathan quickly hid behind.

"So...any proper plan or do we just go and wreck shit?" Lui whispered.

"Wreck shit. They don't seem to have guns anyway." Jonathan smirked and stood up, sneaking behind one guy kicking Luke on the floor.

He tapped his shoulder. When he turned around, he hit him right in the face, seeing a tooth falling out, the man himself falling down, KO'd. He looked at the other three and his eyes widened.

It was Harley and....Cry and Sp00n. ((AN/I just decided to jump on the bandwagon of making Cry one of the bad guys :D))

"Oh my holy hell," Jonathan exclaimed.

"Sorry. It's not personal, just business," Cry lunged at Jonathan, both of them falling down.

Lui and Evan ran at the other two, fighting back.

Evan took on Harley, blocking his fist and then kicking him in the stomach. Harley was taken aback, but quickly recovered, going for Evan's shin. Evan fell down, yelling out.

Lui raised his whole leg up and kicked Sp00n in the face. His horse mask flew off and he growled, tripping Lui easily since only one leg was on the ground. He clinged onto Nick, not falling down and then pushed Nick down himself.

"I'm.." Jonathan blocked a punch. "Guessing that meeting..." he evaded the lunge attack. "You two wasn't..." he kicked Ryan at the side of his hip and Ryan stumbled a bit. "A coincidence either!"

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